Sustainable development of enhanced geothermal systems based on geotechnical research–A review
The world's primary energy requirements are supplied to a large extent by non-renewable
energy resources, which has resulted in significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas …
energy resources, which has resulted in significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas …
[HTML][HTML] Research advances in multi-field coupling model for geothermal reservoir heat extraction
As a kind of clean renewable energy, the production and utilization of geothermal resources
can make a great contribution to optimizing the energy structure and energy conservation …
can make a great contribution to optimizing the energy structure and energy conservation …
On the tensile mechanical characteristics of fine-grained granite after heating/cooling treatments with different cooling rates
Q Wu, L Weng, Y Zhao, B Guo, T Luo - Engineering Geology, 2019 - Elsevier
This study discusses the results from tests performed to investigate the tensile mechanical
characteristics of granite after exposure to heating and cooling treatments. The samples …
characteristics of granite after exposure to heating and cooling treatments. The samples …
[HTML][HTML] Spatial gradient distributions of thermal shock-induced damage to granite
L Fan, J Gao, X Du, Z Wu - Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical …, 2020 - Elsevier
In this study, we attempted to investigate the spatial gradient distributions of thermal shock-
induced damage to granite with respect to associated deterioration mechanisms. First …
induced damage to granite with respect to associated deterioration mechanisms. First …
Influence of different thermal cycling treatments on the physical, mechanical and transport properties of granite
P **, Y Hu, J Shao, G Zhao, X Zhu, C Li - Geothermics, 2019 - Elsevier
Two different types of thermal cycling treatments (slow heating followed by slow cooling or
rapid quenching) were carried out on the granite samples in the present research. The …
rapid quenching) were carried out on the granite samples in the present research. The …
Study on the cracking mechanism of hydraulic and supercritical CO2 fracturing in hot dry rock under thermal stress
W Zhang, C Wang, T Guo, J He, L Zhang, S Chen, Z Qu - Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
To realize the effective extraction of high-temperature thermal energy in enhanced
geothermal system (EGS), it is necessary to explore how to efficiently construct fracture …
geothermal system (EGS), it is necessary to explore how to efficiently construct fracture …
Damage Analysis of High-Temperature Rocks Subjected to LN2 Thermal Shock
X Wu, Z Huang, S Zhang, Z Cheng, R Li… - Rock Mechanics and …, 2019 - Springer
Liquid nitrogen (LN 2) fracturing is a technology that can dramatically enhance the
stimulation performances of high-temperature reservoirs, such as hot dry rock geothermal …
stimulation performances of high-temperature reservoirs, such as hot dry rock geothermal …
Experimental evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of geothermal reservoir rock after different cooling treatments
S Sha, G Rong, Z Chen, B Li, Z Zhang - Rock Mechanics and Rock …, 2020 - Springer
A comprehensive understanding of the physico-mechanical behavior of rocks in hot dry rock
(HDR) reservoir after different stimulation treatments is essential for the safe and effective …
(HDR) reservoir after different stimulation treatments is essential for the safe and effective …
Factors affecting pore structure of granite under cyclic heating and cooling: A nuclear magnetic resonance investigation
Q Li, X Li, T Yin - Geothermics, 2021 - Elsevier
High-temperature rocks in the geothermal reservoir are susceptible to damage under
periodic extraction and reinjection conditions, and variation of the pore structure threatens …
periodic extraction and reinjection conditions, and variation of the pore structure threatens …
Tensile behavior and damage mechanisms of hot dry rock under thermal shock fatigue and seawater dissolution
Significant potential exists for mining hot dry rock in coastal areas, oceans, islands, and
reefs by utilizing abundant seawater as a heat-exchanging medium. It is crucial for …
reefs by utilizing abundant seawater as a heat-exchanging medium. It is crucial for …