Fishmeal availability in the scenarios of climate change: Inevitability of fishmeal replacement in aquafeeds and approaches for the utilization of plant protein sources

R Jannathulla, V Rajaram, R Kalanjiam… - Aquaculture …, 2019‏ - Wiley Online Library
Fishmeal is being trusted as the most reliable protein source due to its nutritional quality in
terms of attractability, palatability, digestibility, excellent nutrient profiles to fulfil the dietary …

[PDF][PDF] Fish meal and fish oil replacement for aqua feed formulation by using alternative sources: a review.

AR Hodar, RJ Vasava, DR Mahavadiya… - Journal of …, 2020‏ -
Aquaculture is fastest growing food producing sector in the world. It is contributing nearly
half to the global food fish consumption. The total Indian fish production is estimated as …

Black soldier fly full-fat larvae meal as an alternative to fish meal and fish oil in Siberian sturgeon nutrition: The effects on physical properties of the feed, animal growth …

M Rawski, J Mazurkiewicz, B Kierończyk, D Józefiak - Animals, 2020‏ -
Simple Summary Research for alternative protein sources that may replace fish meal and
fish oil in fish diets is one of the ongoing tasks for aquaculture. Sturgeons role captive fish …

Effect of aquaculture on world fish supplies

RL Naylor, RJ Goldburg, JH Primavera, N Kautsky… - Nature, 2000‏ -
Global production of farmed fish and shellfish has more than doubled in the past 15 years.
Many people believe that such growth relieves pressure on ocean fisheries, but the opposite …

Protein growth performance, amino acid utilisation and somatotropic axis responsiveness to fish meal replacement by plant protein sources in gilthead sea bream …

P Gómez-Requeni, M Mingarro, JA Calduch-Giner… - Aquaculture, 2004‏ - Elsevier
Partial or total replacement of fish meal by a mixture of plant protein sources (corn gluten
meal, wheat gluten, extruded peas, rapeseed meal) balanced with indispensable amino …

Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis of visceral waste proteins of Catla (Catla catla) for preparing protein hydrolysate using a commercial protease

N Bhaskar, T Benila, C Radha, RG Lalitha - Bioresource technology, 2008‏ - Elsevier
Protein hydrolysate was prepared from visceral waste proteins of Catla (Catla catla), an
Indian freshwater major carp. Hydrolysis conditions (viz., time, temperature, pH and enzyme …

Partial replacement of fishmeal by brewers yeast (Saccaromyces cerevisae) in diets for sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) juveniles

A Oliva-Teles, P Gonçalves - Aquaculture, 2001‏ - Elsevier
A trial was conducted to test the effect of partial replacement of fishmeal (Danish LT fishmeal—
the only protein source in the control diet) by brewers yeast, in isonitrogenous (48% CP) and …

Digestibility of extruded peas, extruded lupin, and rapeseed meal in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and turbot (Psetta maxima)

C Burel, T Boujard, F Tulli, SJ Kaushik - Aquaculture, 2000‏ - Elsevier
Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of nutrients and energy of extruded peas, extruded
lupin and rapeseed meals were determined in juvenile rainbow trout and turbot. Extruded …

[HTML][HTML] Use of fishery resources as feed inputs for aquaculture development: trends and policy implications.

AGJ Tacon, MR Hasan, RP Subasinghe - 2006‏ -
Synopsis (short abstract) Although aquaculture's contribution to total world fisheries landings
has increased ten-fold from 0.64 million tonnes in 1950 to 54.78 million tonnes in 2003, the …

Amino acid composition of processed fish silage using different raw materials

RM Vidotti, EMM Viegas, DJ Carneiro - Animal feed science and …, 2003‏ - Elsevier
The objective was to evaluate amino acid composition of silages produced from three raw
materials. Commercial marine fish waste, commercial freshwater fish waste, and tilapia …