Quantum interface between light and atomic ensembles

K Hammerer, AS Sørensen, ES Polzik - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010 - APS
During the past decade the interaction of light with multiatom ensembles has attracted much
attention as a basic building block for quantum information processing and quantum state …

Spin squeezing of a cold atomic ensemble with the nuclear spin of one-half

T Takano, M Fuyama, R Namiki, Y Takahashi - Physical review letters, 2009 - APS
In order to establish an applicable system for advanced quantum information processing
based on the interaction between light and atoms, we have demonstrated a quantum …

Entanglement witness and linear entropy in an open system influenced by FG noise

AU Rahman, S Haddadi, M Javed, LT Kenfack… - Quantum Information …, 2022 - Springer
We investigate the behavior of tripartite entanglement and entropy disorder in three non-
interacting qubits that are first prepared in a mixture state containing Greenberger–Horne …

Certified quantum non-demolition measurement of a macroscopic material system

RJ Sewell, M Napolitano, N Behbood, G Colangelo… - Nature …, 2013 - nature.com
Quantum non-demolition (QND) measurements improve sensitivity by evading
measurement back-action. The technique was first proposed to detect mechanical …

Two-axis-twisting spin squeezing by multipass quantum erasure

M Wang, W Qu, P Li, H Bao, V Vuletić, Y **ao - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
Many-body entangled states are key elements in quantum information science and quantum
metrology. One important problem in establishing a high degree of many-body …

[หนังสือ][B] Quantum Optical Processes: From Basics to Applications

S Tesfa - 2021 - books.google.com
This book is a self-contained guide to the world of quantum optical processes which
addresses different aspects relevant in quantum optics and quantum information. The basic …

Heralded quantum memory for single-photon polarization qubits

GW Lin, XB Zou, XM Lin, GC Guo - Europhysics Letters, 2009 - iopscience.iop.org
We propose a scheme to implement a heralded quantum memory for single-photon
polarization qubits with a single atom trapped in an optical cavity. In this scheme, an injected …

Manipulation of nonclassical atomic spin states

T Takano, SIR Tanaka, R Namiki, Y Takahashi - Physical review letters, 2010 - APS
We report successful manipulation of nonclassical atomic spin states. We apply an off-
resonant noncircularly-polarized light pulse to a measurement-induced squeezed spin state …

Continuous-variable controlled- gate using an atomic ensemble

MF Wang, NQ Jiang, QL **, YZ Zheng - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular …, 2011 - APS
The continuous-variable controlled-Z gate is a canonical two-mode gate for universal
continuous-variable quantum computation. It is considered as one of the most fundamental …

Simple proof of the quantum benchmark fidelity for continuous-variable quantum devices

R Namiki - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2011 - APS
An experimental success criterion for continuous-variable quantum teleportation and
memory is to surpass the limit of the average fidelity achieved by classical measure-and …