Energy saving potentials of connected and automated vehicles
Connected and automated vehicles (CAV) are marketed for their increased safety, driving
comfort, and time saving potential. With much easier access to information, increased …
comfort, and time saving potential. With much easier access to information, increased …
A survey on urban traffic control under mixed traffic environment with connected automated vehicles
Efficient traffic control can alleviate traffic congestion, reduce fuel consumption, and improve
traffic safety. With the development of communication and automation technologies, regular …
traffic safety. With the development of communication and automation technologies, regular …
Eco-driving technology for sustainable road transport: A review
Road transport consumes significant quantities of fossil fuel and accounts for a significant
proportion of CO 2 and pollutant emissions worldwide. The driver is a major and often …
proportion of CO 2 and pollutant emissions worldwide. The driver is a major and often …
Integrated optimization of traffic signals and vehicle trajectories at isolated urban intersections
Existing traffic signal control systems only allocate green time to different phases to avoid
conflicting vehicle movements. With advances in connected and automated vehicle (CAV) …
conflicting vehicle movements. With advances in connected and automated vehicle (CAV) …
A platoon based cooperative eco-driving model for mixed automated and human-driven vehicles at a signalised intersection
The advancements in communication and sensing technologies can be exploited to assist
the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time …
the drivers in making better decisions. In this paper, we consider the design of a real-time …
Eco approaching at an isolated signalized intersection under partially connected and automated vehicles environment
This research proposed an eco-driving system for an isolated signalized intersection under
partially Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) environment. This system prioritizes …
partially Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) environment. This system prioritizes …
Cooperative method of traffic signal optimization and speed control of connected vehicles at isolated intersections
Signalized intersections play an important role in transportation efficiency and vehicle fuel
economy in urban areas. This paper proposes a cooperative method of traffic signal control …
economy in urban areas. This paper proposes a cooperative method of traffic signal control …
Optimal eco-driving control of connected and autonomous vehicles through signalized intersections
This article focuses on the speed planning problem for connected and automated vehicles
(CAVs) communicating to traffic lights. The uncertainty of traffic signal timing for signalized …
(CAVs) communicating to traffic lights. The uncertainty of traffic signal timing for signalized …
Hierarchical velocity optimization for connected automated vehicles with cellular vehicle-to-everything communication at continuous signalized intersections
The rapid development of intelligent connected technologies and cellular vehicle-to-
everything communication (C-V2X) provide new opportunities to solve the connected …
everything communication (C-V2X) provide new opportunities to solve the connected …
Spatiotemporal intersection control in a connected and automated vehicle environment
Current research on traffic control has focused on the optimization of either traffic signals or
vehicle trajectories. With the rapid development of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) …
vehicle trajectories. With the rapid development of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) …