Core–mantle boundary heat flow
The Earth can be viewed as a massive heat engine, with various energy sources and sinks.
Insights into its evolution can be obtained by quantifying the various energy contributions in …
Insights into its evolution can be obtained by quantifying the various energy contributions in …
Stagnant slab: a review
A stagnant slab is a subducted slab of oceanic lithosphere subhorizontally deflected above,
across, or below the 660 km discontinuity. This phenomenon has now been widely …
across, or below the 660 km discontinuity. This phenomenon has now been widely …
A doubling of the post-perovskite phase boundary and structure of the Earth's lowermost mantle
The thermal structure of the Earth's lowermost mantle—the D ″layer spanning depths of∼
2,600–2,900 kilometres—is key to understanding the dynamical state and history of our …
2,600–2,900 kilometres—is key to understanding the dynamical state and history of our …
A Post-Perovskite Lens and D'' Heat Flux Beneath the Central Pacific
Temperature gradients in a low-shear-velocity province in the lowermost mantle (D
″region) beneath the central Pacific Ocean were inferred from the observation of a rapid S …
″region) beneath the central Pacific Ocean were inferred from the observation of a rapid S …
The Earth's lower mantle
The Earth's lower mantle (extending from a depth of 660–2900 km) comprises more than
half (* 56%) of the total volume of the Earth. Most of the Earth's geodynamic processes stem …
half (* 56%) of the total volume of the Earth. Most of the Earth's geodynamic processes stem …
Dynamics and evolution of the deep mantle resulting from thermal, chemical, phase and melting effects
The core–mantle boundary (CMB)–the interface between the silicate mantle and liquid iron
alloy outer core–is the most important boundary inside our planet, with processes occurring …
alloy outer core–is the most important boundary inside our planet, with processes occurring …
Efficacy of the post-perovskite phase as an explanation for lowermost-mantle seismic properties
Constraining the chemical, rheological and electromagnetic properties of the lowermost
mantle (D ″) is important to understand the formation and dynamics of the Earth's mantle …
mantle (D ″) is important to understand the formation and dynamics of the Earth's mantle …
Postperovskite phase transition and its geophysical implications
The stability of (Mg, Fe) SiO3 perovskite in the deep lower mantle has long been uncertain.
Recently, a phase transition from perovskite to postperovskite was discovered through a …
Recently, a phase transition from perovskite to postperovskite was discovered through a …
On the statistical distribution of seismic velocities in Earth's deep mantle
The existence of uncoupled shear (S) and compression (P) wave velocity variations in
Earth's mantle is a characteristic that might only be explained by the presence of significant …
Earth's mantle is a characteristic that might only be explained by the presence of significant …
Determination of post-perovskite phase transition boundary up to 4400 K and implications for thermal structure in D ″layer
We have determined the post-perovskite phase transition boundary in MgSiO3 in a wide
temperature range from 1640 to 4380 K at 119–171 GPa on the basis of synchrotron X-ray …
temperature range from 1640 to 4380 K at 119–171 GPa on the basis of synchrotron X-ray …