Core–mantle boundary heat flow

T Lay, J Hernlund, BA Buffett - Nature geoscience, 2008‏ -
The Earth can be viewed as a massive heat engine, with various energy sources and sinks.
Insights into its evolution can be obtained by quantifying the various energy contributions in …

Stagnant slab: a review

Y Fukao, M Obayashi, T Nakakuki… - Annual Review of …, 2009‏ -
A stagnant slab is a subducted slab of oceanic lithosphere subhorizontally deflected above,
across, or below the 660 km discontinuity. This phenomenon has now been widely …

A doubling of the post-perovskite phase boundary and structure of the Earth's lowermost mantle

JW Hernlund, C Thomas, PJ Tackley - Nature, 2005‏ -
The thermal structure of the Earth's lowermost mantle—the D ″layer spanning depths of∼
2,600–2,900 kilometres—is key to understanding the dynamical state and history of our …

A Post-Perovskite Lens and D'' Heat Flux Beneath the Central Pacific

T Lay, J Hernlund, EJ Garnero, MS Thorne - science, 2006‏ -
Temperature gradients in a low-shear-velocity province in the lowermost mantle (D
″region) beneath the central Pacific Ocean were inferred from the observation of a rapid S …

The Earth's lower mantle

FV Kaminsky - Composition and Structure. Cham: Springer Geology, 2017‏ - Springer
The Earth's lower mantle (extending from a depth of 660–2900 km) comprises more than
half (* 56%) of the total volume of the Earth. Most of the Earth's geodynamic processes stem …

Dynamics and evolution of the deep mantle resulting from thermal, chemical, phase and melting effects

PJ Tackley - Earth-Science Reviews, 2012‏ - Elsevier
The core–mantle boundary (CMB)–the interface between the silicate mantle and liquid iron
alloy outer core–is the most important boundary inside our planet, with processes occurring …

Efficacy of the post-perovskite phase as an explanation for lowermost-mantle seismic properties

J Wookey, S Stackhouse, JM Kendall, J Brodholt… - Nature, 2005‏ -
Constraining the chemical, rheological and electromagnetic properties of the lowermost
mantle (D ″) is important to understand the formation and dynamics of the Earth's mantle …

Postperovskite phase transition and its geophysical implications

K Hirose - Reviews of Geophysics, 2006‏ - Wiley Online Library
The stability of (Mg, Fe) SiO3 perovskite in the deep lower mantle has long been uncertain.
Recently, a phase transition from perovskite to postperovskite was discovered through a …

On the statistical distribution of seismic velocities in Earth's deep mantle

JW Hernlund, C Houser - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2008‏ - Elsevier
The existence of uncoupled shear (S) and compression (P) wave velocity variations in
Earth's mantle is a characteristic that might only be explained by the presence of significant …

Determination of post-perovskite phase transition boundary up to 4400 K and implications for thermal structure in D ″layer

S Tateno, K Hirose, N Sata, Y Ohishi - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2009‏ - Elsevier
We have determined the post-perovskite phase transition boundary in MgSiO3 in a wide
temperature range from 1640 to 4380 K at 119–171 GPa on the basis of synchrotron X-ray …