Number of Response Options, Reliability, Validity, and Potential Bias in the Use of the Likert Scale Education and Social Science Research: A Literature Review.
This study reviews 60 papers using a Likert scale and published between 2012-2021.
Screening for literature review uses the PRISMA method. The data analysis technique was …
Screening for literature review uses the PRISMA method. The data analysis technique was …
[PDF][PDF] Using reversed items in Likert scales: A questionable practice
Abstract Resumen Background: The use of positively worded items and reversed forms aims
to reduce response bias and is a commonly used practice nowadays. The main goal of this …
to reduce response bias and is a commonly used practice nowadays. The main goal of this …
[PDF][PDF] To reverse or to not reverse Likert-type items: That is the question
Abstract Resumen Background: The suitability of using reversed items in typical response
measures has been a matter of controversy for many years. While some authors recommend …
measures has been a matter of controversy for many years. While some authors recommend …
The effect of augmented reality applied to learning process with different learning styles in structural engineering education
P Liu, Z Yang, J Huang, TK Wang - Engineering, Construction and …, 2024 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this study is to scrutinize the influence of individual learning styles
on the effectiveness of augmented reality (AR)-based learning in structural engineering …
on the effectiveness of augmented reality (AR)-based learning in structural engineering …
The effect of interactive computer animation and simulation on students' achievement and motivation in learning electrochemistry
Electrochemistry is difficult to learn due to its abstract concepts involving macroscopic,
microscopic, and symbolic representation levels. Studies have shown that students can …
microscopic, and symbolic representation levels. Studies have shown that students can …
Kindergarten teachers' work stress and work-related well-being: A moderated mediation model
Y Li, RC Zhang - Social Behavior and Personality: an …, 2019 - ingentaconnect.com
In this study, 615 kindergarten teacher participants completed a survey comprising teacher
work stress, psychological capital, social support, and work-related well-being …
work stress, psychological capital, social support, and work-related well-being …
Secondary risk theory: validation of a novel model of protection motivation
Protection motivation theory states individuals conduct threat and co** appraisals when
deciding how to respond to perceived risks. However, that model does not adequately …
deciding how to respond to perceived risks. However, that model does not adequately …
Attitudes and stigma toward seeking psychological help among Saudi Adults
BA Alluhaibi, AW Awadalla - BMC psychology, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Background In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), public attitudes and stigma
toward mental health illness seem to prevent people from seeking psychological help, which …
toward mental health illness seem to prevent people from seeking psychological help, which …
Customer misbehavior and service providers' risk perception in the sharing economy
Sharing economy (SE) service providers (eg, home-sharing hosts) are regularly faced with
customer misbehavior, either directly via their own experiences or indirectly via the …
customer misbehavior, either directly via their own experiences or indirectly via the …
Development and validation of the adaptive leadership behavior scale (ALBS)
Due to the rapid changes in today's business world, leaders need to, more than ever,
adequately and flexibly react to new and changing demands in the workplace. An instrument …
adequately and flexibly react to new and changing demands in the workplace. An instrument …