Wormian bone types: investigating their appearance, correlation to sex, population affinity, and clinical syndromes

E Ogut, FB Yildirim - Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Background The types of Wormian bones may play a role in population affinity and
differential diagnosis of several clinical syndromes. This study investigates the distribution of …

Incidence and medicolegal significance of wormian bones in human skulls in North India Region

N Goyal, A Garg, Y Kumar - … Journal of Applied and Basic Medical …, 2019 - journals.lww.com
Materials and Methods: This observational study was carried out in the tertiary care hospital,
in the region of Haryana and the total of 147 human skulls were examined during routine …

[PDF][PDF] Morphologic and morphometric evaluation of the wormian bones

N Safak, R TAŞKIN ŞENOL, A YÜCEL - International Journal of …, 2020 - SciELO Chile
Wormian (sutural) bones are accessory small bones located on the skull. These bones
consist of extra ossification centers around cranial sutures. This study was carried out in 28 …

[PDF][PDF] Prevalence of Wormian Bones in Dry Adult Human Skull in University of Port Harcourt and Rivers State University

HA Amadi-Ikpa, TW Jacks, PC Ajie, PD Victor… - Sch Int J Anat …, 2023 - researchgate.net
Wormian bones, otherwise 'Sutural'bones, are accessory bones within or near cranial
sutures. They are mostly found on lambdoid sutures and can be one or more in each suture …

[HTML][HTML] Morphometric Analysis of Accessory Sutural Bones Association With Parietal Emissary Foramina

A Muraleedharan, G JP, R Devi - Anatomical Sciences Journal, 2022 - anatomyjournal.ir
Skull is a complex bony structure. In young adults, the skull consists of 28 separate bones,
many of which are paired. At an advanced age, the skull is composed of 22 bones. Most of …

[PDF][PDF] The frequency and topographical distribution of sutural bones in adult dry skulls

DA Atoni, LT Ugochukwu, AUF Daminola… - European Journal of …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Introduction: Sutural bones are accessory bones found within or near cranial sutures. They
are mostly found in the Lambdoid suture and can be either one or more than one in the …

[PDF][PDF] Morphological analysis of intrasutural bones in human skulls from laboratories in Paraíba state (Brazil)

JC Brito, DN Araujo, ABM Barbosa… - British Journal of …, 2022 - jmhsci.org
Results: Of the 63 evaluated skulls, 40 (63.49%) had at least one ISB. There was a
predominance of females (34.9%), the most common shape was irregular (42.38%) and the …

[PDF][PDF] Multiple Wormian Bones in the Lambdoid Suture: A Report of Rare Occurrence

JA Aragão, RF de Oliveira… - Brazilian Journal of …, 2024 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
Wormian bones are irregular bony structures developed from independent ossification
centers located at the junction of the sutures between the cranial bones. Although they are …

[PDF][PDF] Ossa wormiana–a morphological study

R Nallathamby, S MA - International Journal of Bioassays, 2018 - academia.edu
Goethe's osscicles or Wormian bones are islands of small bone tissue that were accidentally
intercalated in the cranium sutures which were formed out of additional ossification centers …

Prevalence of wormian bones worldwide: a critical review

A Bisiecka, R Romero-Reverón - 2023 - ceeol.com
Wormian bones (WB) are the irregular bone structures developed from additional centers of
ossification. Although they are commonly found in healthy individuals, under certain …