Mediterranean rocky reefs in the Anthropocene: present status and future concerns

S Bevilacqua, L Airoldi, E Ballesteros… - Advances in marine …, 2021 - Elsevier
Global change is striking harder and faster in the Mediterranean Sea than elsewhere, where
high levels of human pressure and proneness to climate change interact in modifying the …

Can we preserve and restore overlooked macroalgal forests?

L Tamburello, A Chiarore, E Fabbrizzi, A Colletti… - Science of the Total …, 2022 - Elsevier
Habitat degradation and loss are severely affecting macroalgal forests worldwide, and their
successful mitigation depends on the identification of the drivers of loss and the …

Acetylcholinesterase and dopamine inhibition suppress the filtration rate, burrowing behaviours, and immunological responses induced by bisphenol A in the …

HTAE Abd Elkader, AS Al-Shami - Aquatic Toxicology, 2024 - Elsevier
Bisphenol A (BPA), a common industrial chemical with estrogenic activity, has recently
gained attention due to its well-documented negative effects on humans and other …

Macroalgal forest restoration: the effect of the foundation species

S Bianchelli, S Fraschetti, F Martini… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2023 -
Introduction Active restoration is the strategy needed to trigger or accelerate the recovery of
degraded marine habitats, which provide the goods and services essential for preserving …

Microplastic load and polymer type composition in European rocky intertidal snails: Consistency across locations, wave exposure and years

SM Ehlers, JA Ellrich, JHE Koop - Environmental Pollution, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Microplastics (< 5 mm) are emerging pollutants in oceans worldwide. As such small
particles are easily ingested, microplastics are found in numerous pelagic and benthic …

Photogrammetry as a promising tool to unveil marine caves' benthic assemblages

T Pulido Mantas, C Roveta, B Calcinai, M Coppari… - Scientific reports, 2023 -
Traditionally, monitoring approaches to survey marine caves have been constrained by
equipment limitations and strict safety protocols. Nowadays, the rise of new approaches …

The climate crisis affects Mediterranean marine molluscs of conservation concern

L Schultz, J Wessely, S Dullinger… - Diversity and …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Aim The Mediterranean Sea is a hotspot of endemism and it is warming at two to
three times the rate of the global ocean. The continental masses that surround it constrain …

[HTML][HTML] Inconsistent relationships among protection, benthic assemblage, habitat complexity and fish biomass in Mediterranean temperate rocky reefs

E Di Franco, A Di Franco, A Calò, M Di Lorenzo… - Ecological …, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) have been proved to effectively protect and restore
fish assemblages. There is mixed evidence regarding the effects of MPAs on benthic …

Are we overlooking Natura 2000 sites? Lessons learned from a transnational project in the Adriatic Sea

F Gianni, E Manea, B Cataletto, A Pugnetti… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2022 -
Since the adoption of the Habitats and Birds Directives by EU governments, marine Natura
2000 (N2K) sites have been established in the European Mediterranean Sea, creating one …

Nanocrystalline fluorapatite mineralization in the calciphile rock-boring bivalve Lithophaga: functional and phylogenetic significance

JD Taylor, EA Glover, AD Ball… - Biological Journal of the …, 2023 -
Phosphate mineralization as a skeletal material is uncommon in invertebrate animals and
rare in Mollusca. Remarkably, apatite minerals were first reported more than 30 years ago in …