[HTML][HTML] Social and environmental factors influencing obesity

A Lee, M Cardel, WT Donahoo - Endotext [Internet], 2019 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
The evidence for social and environmental factors that contribute to obesity are often
underappreciated. Obesity prevalence is significantly associated with sex, racial ethnic …

Tunneling, cognitive load and time orientation and their relations with dietary behavior of people experiencing financial scarcity–an AI-assisted sco** review …

A van der Veer, T Madern, FJ van Lenthe - International Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Background The concept of a financial scarcity mindset has raised much attention as an
explanation for poor decision-making and dysfunctional behavior. It has been suggested …

Food insecurity as a driver of obesity in humans: The insurance hypothesis

D Nettle, C Andrews, M Bateson - Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2017 - cambridge.org
Integrative explanations of why obesity is more prevalent in some sectors of the human
population than others are lacking. Here, we outline and evaluate one candidate …

From socioeconomic disadvantage to obesity: the mediating role of psychological distress and emotional eating

J Spinosa, P Christiansen, JM Dickson, V Lorenzetti… - …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Objective Lower socioeconomic status is robustly associated with obesity; however, the
underpinning psychological mechanisms remain unclear. The current study sought to …

A scarcity mindset alters neural processing underlying consumer decision making

I Huijsmans, I Ma, L Micheli, C Civai, M Stallen… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 - pnas.org
Not having enough of what one needs has long been shown to have detrimental
consequences for decision making. Recent work suggests that the experience of insufficient …

Income inequality and fear of crime across the European region

CM Vauclair, B Bratanova - European journal of criminology, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
This paper aims to take a holistic approach to studying fear of crime by testing predictors at
multiple levels of analyses. Data from the European Social Survey (N= 56,752 from 29 …

Nutritional criminology: why the emerging research on ultra-processed food matters to health and justice

SL Prescott, AC Logan, CR D'Adamo… - International journal of …, 2024 - mdpi.com
There is mounting concern over the potential harms associated with ultra-processed foods,
including poor mental health and antisocial behavior. Cutting-edge research provides an …

A systematic review of psychosocial explanations for the relationship between socioeconomic status and body mass index

MA Claassen, O Klein, B Bratanova, N Claes… - Appetite, 2019 - Elsevier
A negative association between socioeconomic status (SES) and levels of
overweight/obesity is consistently found in high-and middle-income countries. Yet, there is …

[HTML][HTML] The influence of socioeconomic status on snacking and weight among adolescents: A sco** review

V Guazzelli Williamson, A Dilip, JR Dillard… - Nutrients, 2020 - mdpi.com
Eating behaviors, including unhealthy snacking or excessive snacking leading to excess
calorie consumption, may contribute to obesity among adolescents. Socioeconomic status …

[HTML][HTML] Low subjective social status is associated with daily selection of fewer healthy foods and more high-fat/high sugar foods

D Rahal, JJ Chiang, VW Huynh, JE Bower, H McCreath… - Appetite, 2023 - Elsevier
Socioeconomic status has been related to poorer eating behaviors, potentially due to
feelings of lower status relative to peers. Despite experimental evidence that temporarily …