Virtual network overlay

DA Hughes, S Bheemarajaiah, DJ Ennis… - US Patent …, 2017 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data application No. 14/677.841, filed on Apr. 2, 2015, now Pat. No.
9.397. 951, which is a continuation of application No. 14/248,188, filed on Apr. 8, 2014, now …

Assigning priority to network traffic at customer premises

LR Jia, AF Patka - US Patent 8,099,517, 2012 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A device may receive a message from a client device and determine
whether the message includes particular data. The device may identify an address within a …

Virtual wide area network overlays

DA Hughes, S Bheemarajaiah, DJ Ennis… - US Patent …, 2019 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are systems and methods for the creation, maintenance and management
of virtual overlay networks across multiple communication networks managed by ser vice …

Multi-level learning for classifying traffic flows from first packet data

DA Hughes - US Patent 10,892,978, 2021 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are systems and methods for multi-level classification of data traffic flows
based on information in a first data packet for a data traffic flow. In exemplary embodi ments …

Multi-level learning for classifying traffic flows

DA Hughes - US Patent 10,257,082, 2019 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are systems and methods for multi-level classification of data traffic flows.
In exemplary embodi ments of the present disclosure, flows can be classified based on …

File block placement in a distributed network

D Gell, A ElArabawy, Y Bao - US Patent 10,291,503, 2019 - Google Patents
US10291503B2 - File block placement in a distributed network - Google Patents US10291503B2
- File block placement in a distributed network - Google Patents File block placement in a …

Data transmission via a virtual wide area network overlay

DA Hughes, S Bheemarajaiah, DJ Ennis… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are systems and methods for the creation, maintenance and management
of virtual overlay networks across multiple communication networks managed by ser vice …

Optimizing available computing resources within a virtual environment

DA Hughes, J Burns - US Patent 9,626,224, 2017 - Google Patents
5483, 556 A 1/1996 Pillan et al. 7,383,348 B2 6/2008 Seki et al. 5,532,693. A 7, 1996
Winters et al. 7.388, 844 B1 6/2008 Brown et al. 5,592,613 A 1/1997 Miyazawa et al …

Selective route exporting using source type

TR Hefel, J Chheda, M Kulkarni, DJ Ennis… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
Systems and methods for selectively advertising routing information by a network appliance
to a neighboring com puting device are disclosed. In exemplary embodiments, customized …

Multi-level learning for classifying traffic flows on a first packet from DNS data

DA Hughes - US Patent 10,771,394, 2020 - Google Patents
Disclosed herein are systems and methods for multi-level classification of data traffic flows
based on information in a first packet for a data traffic flow. In exemplary embodiments of the …