[HTML][HTML] Music can be reconstructed from human auditory cortex activity using nonlinear decoding models
Music is core to human experience, yet the precise neural dynamics underlying music
perception remain unknown. We analyzed a unique intracranial electroencephalography …
perception remain unknown. We analyzed a unique intracranial electroencephalography …
On the phantom-like appearance of bilingualism effects on neurocognition:(How) should we proceed?
Numerous studies have argued that bilingualism has effects on cognitive functions.
Recently, in light of increasingly mixed empirical results, this claim has been challenged …
Recently, in light of increasingly mixed empirical results, this claim has been challenged …
Breaking (musical) boundaries by investigating brain dynamics of event segmentation during real-life music-listening
The perception of musical phrase boundaries is a critical aspect of human musical
experience: It allows us to organize, understand, derive pleasure from, and remember …
experience: It allows us to organize, understand, derive pleasure from, and remember …
On the association between musical training, intelligence and executive functions in adulthood
Converging evidence has demonstrated that musical training is associated with improved
perceptual and cognitive skills, including executive functions and general intelligence …
perceptual and cognitive skills, including executive functions and general intelligence …
[HTML][HTML] Resting state network connectivity is attenuated by fMRI acoustic noise
Introduction During the past decades there has been an increasing interest in tracking brain
network fluctuations in health and disease by means of resting state functional magnetic …
network fluctuations in health and disease by means of resting state functional magnetic …
Neocortical substrates of feelings evoked with music in the ACC, insula, and somatosensory cortex
Neurobiological models of emotion focus traditionally on limbic/paralimbic regions as neural
substrates of emotion generation, and insular cortex (in conjunction with isocortical anterior …
substrates of emotion generation, and insular cortex (in conjunction with isocortical anterior …
Increased functional connectivity in the right dorsal auditory stream after a full year of piano training in healthy older adults
Learning to play an instrument at an advanced age may help to counteract or slow down
age-related cognitive decline. However, studies investigating the neural underpinnings of …
age-related cognitive decline. However, studies investigating the neural underpinnings of …
Music-selective neural populations arise without musical training
Recent work has shown that human auditory cortex contains neural populations anterior and
posterior to primary auditory cortex that respond selectively to music. However, it is unknown …
posterior to primary auditory cortex that respond selectively to music. However, it is unknown …
Music-based biofeedback to reduce tibial shock in over-ground running: A proof-of-concept study
Methods to reduce impact in distance runners have been proposed based on real-time
auditory feedback of tibial acceleration. These methods were developed using treadmill …
auditory feedback of tibial acceleration. These methods were developed using treadmill …
Measuring emotional music experience: Spreading activation and BRECVEMA mechanisms
J Völker - Psychology of Music, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
Spreading activation in the cognitive network explains why music is experienced as familiar
or likable. It might also be a premise for the emotion-inducing mechanisms of the …
or likable. It might also be a premise for the emotion-inducing mechanisms of the …