Dirac materials
A wide range of materials, like d-wave superconductors, graphene, and topological
insulators, share a fundamental similarity: their low-energy fermionic excitations behave as …
insulators, share a fundamental similarity: their low-energy fermionic excitations behave as …
Chiral d-wave superconductivity in doped graphene
A highly unconventional superconducting state with a spin-singlet $ d_ {x^ 2-y^ 2}\pm {\rm i}
d_ {xy} $-wave, or chiral d-wave symmetry has recently been suggested to emerge from …
d_ {xy} $-wave, or chiral d-wave symmetry has recently been suggested to emerge from …
Unconventional superconductivity in systems with annular fermi surfaces: Application to rhombohedral trilayer graphene
We show that in a two-dimensional electron gas with an annular Fermi surface, long-range
Coulomb interactions can lead to unconventional superconductivity by the Kohn-Luttinger …
Coulomb interactions can lead to unconventional superconductivity by the Kohn-Luttinger …
Higher-order topological superconductivity from repulsive interactions in kagome and honeycomb systems
We discuss a pairing mechanism in interacting two-dimensional multipartite lattices that
intrinsically leads to a second order topological superconducting state with a spatially …
intrinsically leads to a second order topological superconducting state with a spatially …
Epitaxy of hexagonal ABO3 quantum materials
Hexagonal ABO 3 oxides (A, B= cation) are a class of rich materials for realizing novel
quantum phenomena. Their hexagonal symmetry, oxygen trigonal bipyramid coordination …
quantum phenomena. Their hexagonal symmetry, oxygen trigonal bipyramid coordination …
Chiral Mott insulators, Meissner effect, and Laughlin states in quantum ladders
We introduce generic bosonic models exemplifying that chiral Meissner currents can persist
in insulating phases of matter. We first consider interacting bosons on a two-leg ladder. The …
in insulating phases of matter. We first consider interacting bosons on a two-leg ladder. The …
Competing instabilities of the extended Hubbard model on the triangular lattice: Truncated-unity functional renormalization group and application to moiré materials
A simple yet paradigmatic model for the interplay of strong electronic correlations and
geometric frustration is the triangular lattice Hubbard model. Recently it was proposed that …
geometric frustration is the triangular lattice Hubbard model. Recently it was proposed that …
Artificial graphene: Unconventional superconductivity in a honeycomb superlattice
Artificial lattices have served as a platform to study the physics of unconventional
superconductivity. We study semiconductor artificial graphene—a honeycomb superlattice …
superconductivity. We study semiconductor artificial graphene—a honeycomb superlattice …
Chiral -wave superconductivity on the honeycomb lattice close to the Mott state
We study superconductivity on the honeycomb lattice close to the Mott state at half filling.
Due to the sixfold lattice symmetry and disjoint Fermi surfaces at opposite momenta, we …
Due to the sixfold lattice symmetry and disjoint Fermi surfaces at opposite momenta, we …
Chiral triplet superconductivity on the graphene lattice
Motivated by the possibility of superconductivity in doped graphene sheets, we investigate
superconducting order in the extended Hubbard model on the two-dimensional graphene …
superconducting order in the extended Hubbard model on the two-dimensional graphene …