Ultrafast optical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials and high-temperature superconductors: a non-equilibrium approach
In the last two decades non-equilibrium spectroscopies have evolved from avant-garde
studies to crucial tools for expanding our understanding of the physics of strongly correlated …
studies to crucial tools for expanding our understanding of the physics of strongly correlated …
Oxide electronics utilizing ultrafast metal-insulator transitions
Although phase transitions have long been a centerpiece of condensed matter materials
science studies, a number of recent efforts focus on potentially exploiting the resulting …
science studies, a number of recent efforts focus on potentially exploiting the resulting …
Phase-change materials for intelligent temperature regulation
Energy-efficient components that are capable of intelligently regulating room temperature
are much demanded to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. In recent years, phase …
are much demanded to reduce the energy consumption in buildings. In recent years, phase …
Role of Defects in the Phase Transition of VO2 Nanoparticles Probed by Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy
Defects are known to affect nanoscale phase transitions, but their specific role in the metal-to-
insulator transition in VO2 has remained elusive. By combining plasmon resonance …
insulator transition in VO2 has remained elusive. By combining plasmon resonance …
Ultrafast insulator-metal phase transition in VO studied by multiterahertz spectroscopy
The ultrafast photoinduced insulator-metal transition in VO 2 is studied at different
temperatures and excitation fluences using multi-THz probe pulses. The spectrally resolved …
temperatures and excitation fluences using multi-THz probe pulses. The spectrally resolved …
Optically Tunable Mie Resonance VO2 Nanoantennas for Metasurfaces in the Visible
Metasurfaces are ultrathin nanostructured surfaces that can allow arbitrary manipulation of
light. Implementing dynamic tunability into their design could allow the optical functions of …
light. Implementing dynamic tunability into their design could allow the optical functions of …
Disentangling the Electronic and Phononic Glue in a High-Tc Superconductor
Unveiling the nature of the bosonic excitations that mediate the formation of Cooper pairs is
a key issue for understanding unconventional superconductivity. A fundamental step toward …
a key issue for understanding unconventional superconductivity. A fundamental step toward …
Recent development of ultrafast optical characterizations for quantum materials
The advent of intense ultrashort optical pulses spanning a frequency range from terahertz to
the visible has opened a new era in the experimental investigation and manipulation of …
the visible has opened a new era in the experimental investigation and manipulation of …
Active control of surface plasmon–emitter strong coupling
Strong coupling between quantum emitters and surface plasmon polariton modes in metal
nanostructures has been extensively studied in recent years. A natural direction of research …
nanostructures has been extensively studied in recent years. A natural direction of research …
Revealing the high-energy electronic excitations underlying the onset of high-temperature superconductivity in cuprates
In strongly correlated systems the electronic properties at the Fermi energy (EF) are
intertwined with those at high-energy scales. One of the pivotal challenges in the field of …
intertwined with those at high-energy scales. One of the pivotal challenges in the field of …