Oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption spectra
We review oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption spectra of both molecules and solids. We start
with an overview of the main experimental aspects of oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption …
with an overview of the main experimental aspects of oxygen K-edge X-ray absorption …
Solids, liquids, and gases under high pressure
Pressure has long been recognized as a fundamental thermodynamic variable but its
application was previously limited by the available pressure vessels and probes. The …
application was previously limited by the available pressure vessels and probes. The …
Advancing the mechanical performance of glasses: perspectives and challenges
Glasses are materials that lack a crystalline microstructure and long‐range atomic order.
Instead, they feature heterogeneity and disorder on superstructural scales, which have …
Instead, they feature heterogeneity and disorder on superstructural scales, which have …
High-pressure studies with x-rays using diamond anvil cells
G Shen, HK Mao - Reports on progress in Physics, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
Pressure profoundly alters all states of matter. The symbiotic development of ultrahigh-
pressure diamond anvil cells, to compress samples to sustainable multi-megabar pressures; …
pressure diamond anvil cells, to compress samples to sustainable multi-megabar pressures; …
Discovery of ultra-crack-resistant oxide glasses with adaptive networks
Despite their transformative role in our society, oxide glasses remain brittle. Although
extrinsic postprocessing techniques can partially mitigate this drawback, they come with …
extrinsic postprocessing techniques can partially mitigate this drawback, they come with …
[HTML][HTML] Indentation deformation in oxide glasses: Quantification, structural changes, and relation to cracking
Improving the fracture resistance of oxide glasses through adjustment of the chemical
composition remains a challenging task, although composition-mechanical property …
composition remains a challenging task, although composition-mechanical property …
Structure of amorphous aluminum oxide
Whereas prototypical Al 2 O 3 is not a glass former, amorphous Al 2 O 3 can be formed as
thin films through vapor deposition and can serve as a structural model for the Al 2 O 3 …
thin films through vapor deposition and can serve as a structural model for the Al 2 O 3 …
Inelastic x-ray scattering by electronic excitations under high pressure
Investigating electronic structure and excitations under extreme conditions gives access to a
rich variety of phenomena. High pressure typically induces behavior such as magnetic …
rich variety of phenomena. High pressure typically induces behavior such as magnetic …
Amorphous diamond: a high-pressure superhard carbon allotrope
Compressing glassy carbon above 40 GPa, we have observed a new carbon allotrope with
a fully sp 3-bonded amorphous structure and diamondlike strength. Synchrotron x-ray …
a fully sp 3-bonded amorphous structure and diamondlike strength. Synchrotron x-ray …
High-Pressure Transformation of Glass from a Tetrahedral to an Octahedral Network: A Joint Approach Using Neutron Diffraction and Molecular Dynamics
A combination of in situ high-pressure neutron diffraction at pressures up to 17.5 (5) GPa
and molecular dynamics simulations employing a many-body interatomic potential model is …
and molecular dynamics simulations employing a many-body interatomic potential model is …