Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Argentina. (CLOFFAR-2)

JM Mirande, S Koerber - 2020‏ -
The purpose of this paper is to present an updated list of fishes found in Argentina's
freshwaters based on the available literature. Since the last list, CLOFFAR by Mirande & …

[HTML][HTML] A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical electric fish genus Brachyhypopomus (Ostariophysi: Gymnotiformes: Hypopomidae), with descriptions of 15 new …

WGR Crampton, CD Santana, JC Waddell… - Neotropical …, 2016‏ - SciELO Brasil
The bluntnose knifefish genus BrachyhypopomusMago-Leccia, 1994, is diagnosed from
other Rhamphichthyoidea (Rhamphichthyidae+ Hypopomidae) by the presence of a disk …

[PDF][PDF] Checklist of the Fishes of Paraguay (CLOFPY)

S Koerber, HS Vera-Alcaraz… - Ichthyological …, 2017‏ -
A checklist of all freshwater fish species demonstrated to occur in Paraguay is presented
with the aim of providing an updated list of all known fishes from Paraguay and to establish a …

Peces endémicos de sistemas fluviales de la Selva Atlántica en la Argentina: Áreas prioritarias para su conservación

P Araya, A Giraudo, L Hirt - Ecología Austral, 2021‏ -
Los ecosistemas de agua dulce están entre los más amenazados por las actividades
humanas y el cambio climático, por lo cual es prioritario conservarlos. La provincia de …

Cuatro nuevos registros de peces para la provincia de Misiones, Argentina

S Bogan, JM Meluso, V Bauni, YP Cardoso - 2015‏ -
El territorio misionero representa solo el 0, 8% de la superficie de Argentina. Sin embargo,
goza de la mayor diversidad biológica del país. Podemos estimar que la ictiofauna …

[PDF][PDF] Checklist of the Freshwater Fishes of Argentina (CLOFFAR).

FM Lillo, S Koerber - 2015‏ -
The purpose of this paper is to present an updated list of freshwater fishes found in
Argentina based on the available literature. Since the last list was published in 2003, most …