Yttrium Iron Garnets: Phase Study and Synthesis Methods

N Askarzadeh, H Shokrollahi - Progress in Solid State Chemistry, 2025 - Elsevier
Due to the rapid progress in the development of communication systems, magnetic ceramics-
including spinels, hexaferrites, and garnets-have become increasingly attractive for use in …

Crystallization dynamics of amorphous yttrium iron garnet thin films

S Sailler, G Skob**, H Schlörb, B Boehm, O Hellwig… - Physical Review …, 2024 - APS
Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) is a prototypical material in spintronics due to its exceptional
magnetic properties. To exploit these properties, high quality thin films need to be …

Development of an annealing process for rapid fabrication of solution-based Y3Fe5O12 thin films

JH Seol, JH An, GW Park, TN Thi, DD Viet, BG Park… - Thin Solid Films, 2023 - Elsevier
In many industries, chemical-based fabrication is a preferred approach because mass
production is possible at minimal cost. Here, we optimize the fabrication of solution-based Y …

Spin thermoelectric and spin transport in YIG films fabricated by chemical method

DD Viet, TN Thi, JH Seol, JH An, GW Park, VA Cao… - Surfaces and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Spin transport in heterojunctions between magnetic insulators and heavy metals has
garnered significant attention due to its potential in spintronics applications. In this study, we …

Spin Hall magnetoresistance and the effect of post-annealing temperature in the MOD-grown HoIG

PC Van, H Kim, TN Thi, DD Viet, VA Cao, J Nah… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2023 - Elsevier
We present the fabrication of ultrathin Ho 3 Fe 5 O 12 (HoIG) films on 111-oriented-Gd 3 Ga
5 O 12 (GGG) via the metal-organic decomposition (MOD) method followed by a sequence …

Magnon Diffusion Length and Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect in Vanadium Tetracyanoethylene (V[TCNE], )

SW Kurfman, DR Candido, B Wooten, Y Zheng… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 -
Spintronic, spin caloritronic, and magnonic phenomena arise from complex interactions
between charge, spin, and structural degrees of freedom that are challenging to model and …

Rapid Fabrication of MOD-YIG Films by using Microwave Kiln

JH An, EH Kho, PC Van, JR Jeong - Journal of Magnetics, 2023 -
Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) is a well-known material extensively utilized in magnonics,
spintronics, and spin caloritronics. The development of YIG for practical applications has …

Calibration of Static System of K-Type Wire Thermocouple

Z Liu, H Ma, T Liu, L Xu, Y Jiang - 2024 IEEE 2nd International …, 2024 -
In this study, a thermocouple of type K was calibrated and data were collected by a simple
static calibration device, and subsequently the data were processed using origin software to …

[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Fabricação de nanoestruturas em filme de granada de ítrio e ferro sobre substrato de silício para estudo de fenômenos de spintrônica

LKCS ASSIS - 2023 - Universidade Federal de …