Future atmospheric rivers and impacts on precipitation: Overview of the ARTMIP Tier 2 high‐resolution global warming experiment
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are long, narrow synoptic scale weather features important for
Earth's hydrological cycle typically transporting water vapor poleward, delivering …
Earth's hydrological cycle typically transporting water vapor poleward, delivering …
Future increases in North American extreme precipitation in CMIP6 downscaled with LOCA
A new set of CMIP6 data downscaled using the localized constructed analogs (LOCA)
statistical method has been produced, covering central Mexico through southern Canada at …
statistical method has been produced, covering central Mexico through southern Canada at …
Climate change contributions to future atmospheric river flood damages in the western United States
Atmospheric rivers (ARs) generate most of the economic losses associated with flooding in
the western United States and are projected to increase in intensity with climate change …
the western United States and are projected to increase in intensity with climate change …
Back-to-back high category atmospheric river landfalls occur more often on the west coast of the United States
Abstract The catastrophic December 2022-January 2023 nine atmospheric rivers in
California underscore the urgent need to better understand such high-risk weather …
California underscore the urgent need to better understand such high-risk weather …
Remote influence of southern Tibetan plateau heating on North Pacific atmospheric rivers
This study examines the remote influence of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) diabatic heating on
atmospheric river (AR) activity in the North Pacific. First, we identify a sensitive heating …
atmospheric river (AR) activity in the North Pacific. First, we identify a sensitive heating …
[HTML][HTML] A statewide, weather-regime based stochastic weather generator for process-based bottom-up climate risk assessments in California–Part I: Model evaluation
This study is the first of a two-part series presenting a novel weather regime-based
stochastic weather generator to support bottom-up climate vulnerability assessments of …
stochastic weather generator to support bottom-up climate vulnerability assessments of …
Temporal compounding increases economic impacts of atmospheric rivers in California
Temporally compounding atmospheric river (AR) events cause severe flooding and damage
in California. However, the contribution of temporal compounding to AR-induced loss has …
in California. However, the contribution of temporal compounding to AR-induced loss has …
Anthropogenic intensification of cool‐season precipitation is not yet detectable across the Western United States
Abstract The cool season (November–March) of 2022–2023 was exceptional in the western
United States (US), with the highest precipitation totals in≥ 128 years in some areas …
United States (US), with the highest precipitation totals in≥ 128 years in some areas …
Observed and projected changes in snow accumulation and snowline in California's snowy mountains
Abstract The Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascades—California's snowy mountains—are
primary freshwater sources and natural reservoirs for the states of California and Nevada …
primary freshwater sources and natural reservoirs for the states of California and Nevada …
Watershed memory amplified the Oroville rain-on-snow flood of February 2017
Mountain snowpacks are transitioning to experience less snowfall and more rainfall as the
climate warms, creating more persistent low-to no-snow conditions. This precipitation shift …
climate warms, creating more persistent low-to no-snow conditions. This precipitation shift …