B (r, s, t, u)-dvostruko sumabilni prostori nizova i matrične transformacije

OA Tuğ - Универзитет у Нишу, 2019 - nardus.mpn.gov.rs
In this dissertation, some new double sequence spaces derived as the domain of the four-
dimensional generalized difference matrix are investigated. In the first chapter; literature …


OА Tuǧ - researchgate.net
In this dissertation, some new double sequence spaces derived as the domain of the four-
dimensional generalized difference matrix are investigated. In the first chapter; literature …

B (r; s; t; u)-двоструко сумабилни простори низова и матричне трансформације

OA Tuğ - 2019 - search.proquest.com
In this dissertation, some new double sequence spaces derived as the domain of the four-
dimensional generalized difference matrix are investigated. In the first chapter; literature …