Existing developments in adaptive smart grid protection: A review

H Khalid, A Shobole - Electric Power Systems Research, 2021 - Elsevier
The future smart power grid where Distributed Generations (DGs) are highly integrated and
self-healing is required is intended to provide reliable and quality power in economic and …

[PDF][PDF] High impedance fault detection in radial distribution network using discrete wavelet transform technique

MY Suliman, MT Alkhayyat - Archives of Electrical Engineering, 2021 - journals.pan.pl
Detecting high impedance faults (HIFs) is one of the challenging issues for electrical
engineers. This type of fault occurs often when one of the overhead conductors is downed …

[HTML][HTML] The Use of instantaneous overcurrent relay in determining the threshold current and voltage for optimal fault protection and Control in transmission line

VN Ogar, S Hussain, KAA Gamage - Signals, 2023 - mdpi.com
When a fault occurs on the transmission line, the relay should send the faulty signal to the
circuit breaker to trip or isolate the line. Timely detection is integral to fault protection and the …

Hardware implementation for hybrid active NPC converters using FPGA-based dual pulse width modulation

LM Halabi, IM Alsofyani, KB Lee - Journal of Power Electronics, 2021 - Springer
Recent developments in power electronics technologies have resulted in a need for fast
responses and dynamic control. However, existing control schemes are still limited to the …

[PDF][PDF] Discrimination Between Inrush and Internal Fault Currents in Protection Based Power Transformer using DWT.

MY Suliman, MT Al-Khayyat - International Journal on Electrical …, 2021 - researchgate.net
Inrush currents in electric power transformers are nonsinusoidal, high currents in magnitude
that are generated due to saturation of flux in the transformer core during the energization …

A security technology of power relay using edge computing

Z Sang, K Yang, R Zhang - Plos one, 2021 - journals.plos.org
The purposes are to find the techniques suitable for the safety relay protection of intelligent
substations and discuss the applicability of edge computing in relay protection. Regarding …

Multi agent system based adaptive numerical relay design and development, Part II: Hardware

AA Shobole, M Abafogi, A Zaim, Y Amireh - Electric Power Systems …, 2024 - Elsevier
Integrating multiple feeders and power sources into the electrical grid necessitates more
robust protection systems. Existing numerical relays require manual reconfiguration of each …

[PDF][PDF] 一种改进型配网自适应过流保护方法

高生凯, 曹炜, 张旭航, 赵宏成, 卫皇莅 - 电力系统保护与控制, 2021 - epjournal.csee.org.cn
在DG 构成的配电网系统中, 通常采用电流保护作为配网的主保护. 其中电流保护的整定值为定
值, 随着DG 的接入, 配电网结构发生变化, DG 并入位置不同会带来故障点无法准确判定的问题 …

Adaptive auto reclosing system for HV transmission lines based on ANN

MY Suliman, AA Allu, EA Jasim - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023 - pubs.aip.org
This paper proposes an ANN based adaptive Auto Reclosing AR which integrated of an
operation of distance measuring relay in HV Over Head Transmission Line OHTL. This work …

Voltage Profile Improvement Based on Optimal Allocation and Sizing Distributed Generation

MR Haddad, MY Al-Suliman - 2024 21st International Multi …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Distributed Generation (DG) refers to small-scale power generation units, such as solar
panels and wind turbines, that are connected to the distribution network. The integration of …