Polariton panorama

DN Basov, A Asenjo-Garcia, PJ Schuck, X Zhu… - …, 2020‏ - degruyter.com
In this brief review, we summarize and elaborate on some of the nomenclature of polaritonic
phenomena and systems as they appear in the literature on quantum materials and …

Airy beams and accelerating waves: an overview of recent advances

NK Efremidis, Z Chen, M Segev, DN Christodoulides - Optica, 2019‏ - opg.optica.org
Over the last dozen years, the area of accelerating waves has made considerable advances
not only in terms of fundamentals and experimental demonstrations, but also in connection …

Space-time wave packets

M Yessenov, LA Hall, KL Schepler… - Advances in Optics and …, 2022‏ - opg.optica.org
Space-time wave packets (STWPs) constitute a broad class of pulsed optical fields that are
rigidly transported in linear media without diffraction or dispersion, and are therefore …

Holographic optical metasurfaces: a review of current progress

P Genevet, F Capasso - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2015‏ - iopscience.iop.org
In this article, we review recent developments in the field of surface electromagnetic wave
holography. The holography principle is used as a tool to solve an inverse engineering …

Generation of electron Airy beams

N Voloch-Bloch, Y Lereah, Y Lilach, A Gover, A Arie - Nature, 2013‏ - nature.com
Within the framework of quantum mechanics, a unique particle wave packet exists in the
form of the Airy function,. Its counterintuitive properties are revealed as it propagates in time …

Spin‐Selective Trifunctional Metasurfaces for Deforming Versatile Nondiffractive Beams along the Optical Trajectory

T Li, Y Chen, B Fu, M Liu, J Wang… - Laser & Photonics …, 2024‏ - Wiley Online Library
Exploring and taming the diffraction phenomena and divergence of light are foundational to
enhancing comprehension of nature and develo** photonic technologies. Despite the …

Nonparaxial Mathieu and Weber accelerating beams

P Zhang, Y Hu, T Li, D Cannan, X Yin, R Morandotti… - Physical review …, 2012‏ - APS
We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally nonparaxial Mathieu and Weber
accelerating beams, generalizing the concept of previously found accelerating beams. We …

Graphene plasmonic metasurfaces to steer infrared light

Z Li, K Yao, F **a, S Shen, J Tian, Y Liu - Scientific reports, 2015‏ - nature.com
Metasurfaces utilizing engineered metallic nanostructures have recently emerged as an
important means to manipulate the propagation of light waves in a prescribed manner …

Phase manipulation of electromagnetic waves with metasurfaces and its applications in nanophotonics

S Chen, Z Li, Y Zhang, H Cheng… - Advanced Optical …, 2018‏ - Wiley Online Library
Relative to conventional phase‐modulation optical elements, metasurfaces (ie, 2D versions
of metamaterials) have shown novel optical phenomena and promising functionalities with …

Transverse spin dynamics in structured electromagnetic guided waves

P Shi, L Du, C Li, AV Zayats, X Yuan - … of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021‏ - pnas.org
Spin–momentum locking, a manifestation of topological properties that governs the behavior
of surface states, was studied intensively in condensed-matter physics and optics, resulting …