Soil carbon sequestration by root exudates
Root exudates are well-known 'labile'sources of soil carbon that can prime microbial activity.
Recent investigations suggest that the stability of labile carbon inputs in soil mostly depends …
Recent investigations suggest that the stability of labile carbon inputs in soil mostly depends …
Towards a global-scale soil climate mitigation strategy
Sustainable soil carbon sequestration practices need to be rapidly scaled up and
implemented to contribute to climate change mitigation. We highlight that the major potential …
implemented to contribute to climate change mitigation. We highlight that the major potential …
The 4p1000 initiative: Opportunities, limitations and challenges for implementing soil organic carbon sequestration as a sustainable development strategy
Climate change adaptation, mitigation and food security may be addressed at the same time
by enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration through environmentally sound land …
by enhancing soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration through environmentally sound land …
Carbon sequestration potential of sustainable agricultural practices to mitigate climate change in Indian agriculture: A meta-analysis
India's agricultural sector ensures food and livelihood security for millions of rural
households. However, the adverse effects of climate change pose a severe threat to …
households. However, the adverse effects of climate change pose a severe threat to …
Quantifying carbon stocks and sequestration potential in agroforestry systems under divergent management scenarios relevant to India's Nationally Determined …
In many countries including India, perennialization of agricultural lands, afforestation and
reforestation have often been proposed to address land degradation and mitigate climate …
reforestation have often been proposed to address land degradation and mitigate climate …
Agroforestry systems for improving nutrient recycling and soil fertility on degraded lands
Land degradation affects about 30% of the total global land area, posing unprecedented
social, economic and environmental problems. In total, over 3 billion people reside in areas …
social, economic and environmental problems. In total, over 3 billion people reside in areas …
Responses of soil organic carbon to conservation practices including climate-smart agriculture in tropical and subtropical regions: A meta-analysis
Considering the current threatening conditions of climate change, Climate Smart Agriculture
(CSA) aims to improve the soil health and its organic carbon stocks by encouraging soil …
(CSA) aims to improve the soil health and its organic carbon stocks by encouraging soil …
Agroforestry as a climate-smart agriculture: Strategic interventions, current practices and policies
Global climate projections present a very grim picture for the future of agriculture in parts of
Africa and Asia. Projections indicate marked impact on rainfall patterns and the mean …
Africa and Asia. Projections indicate marked impact on rainfall patterns and the mean …
Challenges and opportunities for agricultural sustainability in changing climate scenarios: a perspective on Indian agriculture
Increasing population and related food demand always remain the most imperative
challenges for the develo** world. It could only be attained by an increased agricultural …
challenges for the develo** world. It could only be attained by an increased agricultural …
Nutrient management impacts on net ecosystem carbon budget and energy flow nexus in intensively cultivated cropland ecosystems of north-western India
P Singh, DK Benbi - Paddy and Water Environment, 2020 - Springer
Nutrient management has led to unprecedented increase in crop production, but with
significant carbon (C) trade-off that has close nexus with energy flow. We quantified the …
significant carbon (C) trade-off that has close nexus with energy flow. We quantified the …