[HTML][HTML] Microalgae-based wastewater treatment: Mechanisms, challenges, recent advances, and future prospects
The rapid expansion of both the global economy and the human population has led to a
shortage of water resources suitable for direct human consumption. As a result, water …
shortage of water resources suitable for direct human consumption. As a result, water …
[HTML][HTML] Microalgae-based technology for antibiotics removal: From mechanisms to application of innovational hybrid systems
Q **ong, LX Hu, YS Liu, JL Zhao, LY He… - Environment international, 2021 - Elsevier
Antibiotics contamination is an emerging environmental concern, owing to its potential risks
to ecosystems and human health. Microalgae-based technology has been widely reported …
to ecosystems and human health. Microalgae-based technology has been widely reported …
Microalgae-based removal of pollutants from wastewaters: Occurrence, toxicity and circular economy
P Bhatt, G Bhandari, K Bhatt, H Simsek - Chemosphere, 2022 - Elsevier
The natural and anthropogenic sources of water bodies are contaminated with diverse
categories of pollutants such as antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, heavy metals …
categories of pollutants such as antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, heavy metals …
Copper regulates degradation of typical antibiotics by microalgal-fungal consortium in simulated swine wastewater: insights into metabolic routes and dissolved …
S Li, L Zhu - Water research, 2023 - Elsevier
Microalgae-based biotechnology for antibiotics biodegradation in swine wastewater has
been receiving an increasing attention. In this study, microalgae and fungi co-cultivation …
been receiving an increasing attention. In this study, microalgae and fungi co-cultivation …
Progress on microalgae cultivation in wastewater for bioremediation and circular bioeconomy
Water usage increased alongside its competitiveness due to its finite amount. Yet, many
industries still rely on this finite resource thus recalling the need to recirculate their water for …
industries still rely on this finite resource thus recalling the need to recirculate their water for …
Mechanisms and application of microalgae on removing emerging contaminants from wastewater: a review
JL Zhou, L Yang, KX Huang, DZ Chen, F Gao - Bioresource Technology, 2022 - Elsevier
This study reviews the development of the ability of microalgae to remove emerging
contaminants (ECs) from wastewater. Contaminant removal by microalgae-based systems …
contaminants (ECs) from wastewater. Contaminant removal by microalgae-based systems …
Current perspective of innovative strategies for bioremediation of organic pollutants from wastewater
Organic contaminants in water are a growing environmental threat to sustainable
development, with detrimental effects on the biosphere. In recent years, researchers have …
development, with detrimental effects on the biosphere. In recent years, researchers have …
Microalgal extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and their roles in cultivation, biomass harvesting, and bioproducts extraction
Microalgae extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are complex high-molecular-weight
polymers and the physicochemical properties of EPS strongly affect the core features of …
polymers and the physicochemical properties of EPS strongly affect the core features of …
Removal of bisphenol A from wastewater by physical, chemical and biological remediation techniques. A review
Bisphenol A is a well-known endocrine-disrupting compound that is commonly detected in
industrial effluents and wastewater treatment plants. It is extensively used in the production …
industrial effluents and wastewater treatment plants. It is extensively used in the production …
Occurrence of antibiotics in waters, removal by microalgae-based systems, and their toxicological effects: A review
Global antibiotics consumption has been on the rise, leading to increased antibiotics release
into the environment, which threatens public health by selecting for antibiotic resistant …
into the environment, which threatens public health by selecting for antibiotic resistant …