Northern hardwood silviculture at a crossroads: Sustaining a valuable resource under future change
Northern hardwoods are an economically, ecologically, and culturally important forest type
spanning the upper latitudes of the United States and the lower latitudes of Canada. The …
spanning the upper latitudes of the United States and the lower latitudes of Canada. The …
Structural dynamics and synchronous silver fir decline in mixed old-growth mountain forests in Eastern and Southeastern Europe
Studies of old-growth forests are becoming increasingly important for the improvement of
silviculture and for understanding environmental changes. However, in Europe such forests …
silviculture and for understanding environmental changes. However, in Europe such forests …
Relationship between species diversity and tree size in natural forests around the Tropic of Cancer
Y Li, S Ye, Y Luo, S Yu, G Zhang - Journal of Forestry Research, 2023 - Springer
Although numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain the patterns of species
diversity of forests at local and landscape levels, it is still difficult to predict the alpha diversity …
diversity of forests at local and landscape levels, it is still difficult to predict the alpha diversity …
Diversifying the composition and structure of managed, late-successional forests with harvest gaps: What is the optimal gap size?
Managing forests for resilience is crucial in the face of uncertain future environmental
conditions. Because harvest gap size alters the species diversity and vertical and horizontal …
conditions. Because harvest gap size alters the species diversity and vertical and horizontal …
Describing a landscape mosaic: Forest structure and composition across community types and management regimes in inland northeastern pitch pine barrens
Abstract Pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) barrens are a globally rare, fire-dependent ecosystem
of great ecological, social, and cultural significance found primarily in the northeastern US …
of great ecological, social, and cultural significance found primarily in the northeastern US …
Stand structural complexity of mixed old-growth and adjacent selection forests in the Dinaric Mountains of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Research results on the structure of European OGF are often contradictory; while some
researchers stress equilibrium structures, others suggest that this rarely happens due to …
researchers stress equilibrium structures, others suggest that this rarely happens due to …
Structural patterns of beech and silver fir suggest stability and resilience of the virgin forest Sinca in the Southern Carpathians, Romania
The structural patterns and dynamics of a primeval silver fir (Abies alba)–European beech
(Fagus sylvatica) forest in the Southern Carpathians (Romania) were assessed to gain …
(Fagus sylvatica) forest in the Southern Carpathians (Romania) were assessed to gain …
[HTML][HTML] Continuous cover forestry: Which sampling method should be used to ensure sustainable management?
M Leiter, H Hasenauer - Trees, Forests and People, 2023 - Elsevier
The transformation of even-aged forests into continuous cover forests to improve resilience
and to promote biodiversity in Central Europe necessitates a re-evaluation of forest …
and to promote biodiversity in Central Europe necessitates a re-evaluation of forest …
Tree size distribution at increasing spatial scales converges to the rotated sigmoid curve in two old-growth beech stands of the Italian Apennines
Tree size distributions of old-growth forests are a fundamental tool for both scientific analysis
and conservation management. In old-growth forests the diameter distribution shape may …
and conservation management. In old-growth forests the diameter distribution shape may …
Development of old-growth characteristics in uneven-aged forests of the Italian Alps
During the last millennia, all forests of the Italian Alps have been heavily affected by human
land-use. Consequently, forest structures have been modified, and there are no old growth …
land-use. Consequently, forest structures have been modified, and there are no old growth …