Practical high-dimensional quantum key distribution protocol over deployed multicore fiber
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure communication scheme for sharing symmetric
cryptographic keys based on the laws of quantum physics, and is considered a key player in …
cryptographic keys based on the laws of quantum physics, and is considered a key player in …
Continuous entanglement distribution over a transnational 248 km fiber link
Reliable long-distance distribution of entanglement is a key technique for many quantum
applications, most notably quantum key distribution. Here, we present a continuously …
applications, most notably quantum key distribution. Here, we present a continuously …
Quantum communication networks for energy applications: Review and perspective
The energy sector is expected to undergo significant changes in the coming decades with
the advent of new technologies, including smart grid development, microgrid expansion …
the advent of new technologies, including smart grid development, microgrid expansion …
Demonstration of quantum network protocols over a 14-km urban fiber link
We report on the implementation of quantum entanglement distribution and quantum state
teleportation over a 14.4 km urban dark-fiber link, which is partially underground, partially …
teleportation over a 14.4 km urban dark-fiber link, which is partially underground, partially …
Quantum key distribution using deterministic single-photon sources over a field-installed fibre link
Quantum-dot-based single-photon sources are key assets for quantum information
technology, supplying on-demand scalable quantum resources for computing and …
technology, supplying on-demand scalable quantum resources for computing and …
Quantum Cryptography for Future Networks Security: A Systematic Review
Quantum Cryptography (QC) revolutionizes network communication–harnessing principles
of quantum mechanics to enable the exchange of encrypted messages–for enabling secure …
of quantum mechanics to enable the exchange of encrypted messages–for enabling secure …
Redp: Reliable entanglement distribution protocol design for large-scale quantum networks
Remote entanglement distribution in an efficient and reliable manner, especially in the
context of a large-scale quantum network with multiple requests, remains an unsolved …
context of a large-scale quantum network with multiple requests, remains an unsolved …
Quantum key distribution over 100 km of underwater optical fiber assisted by a fast-gated single-photon detector
Nowadays quantum key distribution (QKD) represents the most mature quantum technology,
and multiple countries as well as private institutions are building their quantum network …
and multiple countries as well as private institutions are building their quantum network …
Censorship of quantum resources in quantum networks
We may soon see agencies offering public access to quantum communication networks. In
such networks it may be a feature that certain resources are available only to priority users …
such networks it may be a feature that certain resources are available only to priority users …
Satellite-terrestrial quantum networks and the global quantum internet
This article will explore the design and implementation of quantum networks in space
integrated with quantum networks on Earth. We propose a three-layer approach, involving …
integrated with quantum networks on Earth. We propose a three-layer approach, involving …