VizDSL: a visual DSL for interactive information visualization
The development of systems of systems or the replacement of processes or systems can
create unknowns, risks, delays and costs which are difficult to understand and characterise …
create unknowns, risks, delays and costs which are difficult to understand and characterise …
VizDSL: towards a graphical visualisation language for enterprise systems interoperability
In response to the rise of Big Data, modern enterprise architecture has become significantly
more complex. Model driven engineering (MDE) has been proposed as a methodology for …
more complex. Model driven engineering (MDE) has been proposed as a methodology for …
Improving IT Architecture Modeling Through Automation: Cyber Security Analysis of Smart Grids
M Välja - 2018 - diva-portal.org
Contemporary organizations depend on IT to reach their goals but the organizations are
constantly adapting to changing market conditions and these changes need to be reflected …
constantly adapting to changing market conditions and these changes need to be reflected …
Consistent abstraction of business processes based on constraints
Exploring and understanding large business process models are important tasks in the
context of business process management. In recent years, several techniques have been …
context of business process management. In recent years, several techniques have been …
[PDF][PDF] Towards a graphical visualisation language for enterprise systems interoperability
In response to the rise of Big Data, modern enterprise architecture has become significantly
more complex. Model driven engineering (MDE) has been proposed as a methodology for …
more complex. Model driven engineering (MDE) has been proposed as a methodology for …