Revisiting active perception
Despite the recent successes in robotics, artificial intelligence and computer vision, a
complete artificial agent necessarily must include active perception. A multitude of ideas and …
complete artificial agent necessarily must include active perception. A multitude of ideas and …
Temporal-logic-based reactive mission and motion planning
This paper provides a framework to automatically generate a hybrid controller that
guarantees that the robot can achieve its task when a robot model, a class of admissible …
guarantees that the robot can achieve its task when a robot model, a class of admissible …
Reinforcement learning for temporal logic control synthesis with probabilistic satisfaction guarantees
We present a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm to synthesize control policies that
maximize the probability of satisfying high-level control objectives given as Linear Temporal …
maximize the probability of satisfying high-level control objectives given as Linear Temporal …
Temporal logic motion planning for dynamic robots
In this paper, we address the temporal logic motion planning problem for mobile robots that
are modeled by second order dynamics. Temporal logic specifications can capture the usual …
are modeled by second order dynamics. Temporal logic specifications can capture the usual …
A fully automated framework for control of linear systems from temporal logic specifications
We consider the following problem: given a linear system and a linear temporal logic (LTL)
formula over a set of linear predicates in its state variables, find a feedback control law with …
formula over a set of linear predicates in its state variables, find a feedback control law with …
A hybrid approach to intricate motion, manipulation and task planning
We propose a representation and a planning algorithm able to deal with problems
integrating task planning as well as motion and manipulation planning knowledge involving …
integrating task planning as well as motion and manipulation planning knowledge involving …
Where's waldo? sensor-based temporal logic motion planning
Given a robot model and a class of admissible environments, this paper provides a
framework for automatically and verifiably composing controllers that satisfy high level task …
framework for automatically and verifiably composing controllers that satisfy high level task …
Automatic deployment of distributed teams of robots from temporal logic motion specifications
We present a computational framework for automatic synthesis of decentralized
communication and control strategies for a robotic team from global specifications, which are …
communication and control strategies for a robotic team from global specifications, which are …
Translating structured english to robot controllers
Recently, Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) has been successfully applied to high-level task and
motion planning problems for mobile robots. One of the main attributes of LTL is its close …
motion planning problems for mobile robots. One of the main attributes of LTL is its close …
Formal approach to the deployment of distributed robotic teams
We present a computational framework for automatic synthesis of control and
communication strategies for a robotic team from task specifications that are given as regular …
communication strategies for a robotic team from task specifications that are given as regular …