A seat at the (language) table: incorporating the cerebellum into frameworks for language processing

A LeBel, AM D'Mello - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Highlights•The cerebellum is consistently activated for a variety of language tasks.•The
cerebellum contributes to phonological and semantic processing.•Damage to the …

Laser interstitial thermal therapy in pediatric cerebellar epilepsy

G Bicciato, AG Gennari, MF Oertel, C Dünner… - Epileptic …, 2023‏ - Wiley Online Library
Cerebellar lesional epilepsy is rare, commonly manifesting in early life and posing
diagnostic and treatment challenges. Seizure semiology may be subtle, with repetitive eye …

Errors in the Spontaneous Language of Survivors of Pediatric Cerebellar Tumors

C Svaldi, JI Galli, P Paquier, S Keulen, H Van Elp… - The Cerebellum, 2025‏ - Springer
Pediatric cerebellar tumor survivors may present with spontaneous language impairments
following treatment, but the nature of these impairments is still largely unclear. A recent study …

[PDF][PDF] Introduction to the special issue on cognitive neurosurgery

A Rofes, V Piai - 2024‏ - repository.ubn.ru.nl
This special issue of the Journal of Neuropsycholog y aims to highlight key topics related to
the assessment of language and other cognitive functions in neurosurgical populations …


杨伟, 刘恒鑫, 陈邦绮, 尹光恒, 巴甫仁, 葛明 - **听力语言康复科学杂志, 2024‏ - chsr.cn
小脑性缄默综合征(cerebellar mutism syndrome, CMS) 是儿童后颅窝肿瘤切除手术后常见的
并发症, 发病率约8%~ 40%. 主要特征包括一过性言语语言障碍, 运动功能障碍 …