Timing characterization of OpenMP4 tasking model
OpenMP is increasingly being supported by the newest high-end embedded many-core
processors. Despite the lack of any notion of real-time execution, the latest specification of …
processors. Despite the lack of any notion of real-time execution, the latest specification of …
OpenMP and timing predictability: A possible union?
Next-generation many-core embedded platforms have the chance of intercepting a
converging need for high performance and predictability. Programming methodologies for …
converging need for high performance and predictability. Programming methodologies for …
Response-time analysis of DAG tasks under fixed priority scheduling with limited preemptions
Limited preemptive (LP) scheduling has been demonstrated to effectively improve the
schedulability of fully preemptive (FP) and fully non-preemptive (FNP) paradigms. On one …
schedulability of fully preemptive (FP) and fully non-preemptive (FNP) paradigms. On one …
Unleashing fine-grained parallelism on embedded many-core accelerators with lightweight OpenMP tasking
In recent years, programmable many-core accelerators (PMCAs) have been introduced in
embedded systems to satisfy stringent performance/Watt requirements. This has increased …
embedded systems to satisfy stringent performance/Watt requirements. This has increased …
A lightweight OpenMP4 run-time for embedded systems
OpenMP is increasingly being adopted by current many-core embedded processors to
exploit their parallel computation capabilities. Unfortunately, current run-time …
exploit their parallel computation capabilities. Unfortunately, current run-time …
A memory-centric approach to enable timing-predictability within embedded many-core accelerators
There is an increasing interest among real-time systems architects for multi-and many-core
accelerated platforms. The main obstacle towards the adoption of such devices within …
accelerated platforms. The main obstacle towards the adoption of such devices within …
Taskgraph: A low contention openmp tasking framework
OpenMP is the de-facto standard for shared memory systems in High-Performance
Computing (HPC). It includes a tasking model that offers a high-level of abstraction to …
Computing (HPC). It includes a tasking model that offers a high-level of abstraction to …
Restricted Boltzmann machines for recommender systems with implicit feedback
F Yang, Y Lu - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Implicit feedback such as video watch time is commonly seen in many internet products.
Though recommender systems with explicit feedback have been abundantly researched …
Though recommender systems with explicit feedback have been abundantly researched …
Response time analysis of parallel tasks on accelerator-based heterogeneous platforms
Due to the inherent high parallelism and heterogeneity, accelerator-based heterogeneous
platforms have been regarded as promising solutions for computation-intensive …
platforms have been regarded as promising solutions for computation-intensive …
Deploying OpenMP on an embedded multicore accelerator
Multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoC) are now considered first-class citizens both in the
embedded systems and in the high-performance computing arenas, in the form of …
embedded systems and in the high-performance computing arenas, in the form of …