Stably stratified atmospheric boundary layers

L Mahrt - Annual review of fluid mechanics, 2014 -
Atmospheric boundary layers with weak stratification are relatively well described by
similarity theory and numerical models for stationary horizontally homogeneous conditions …

Review of wave‐turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer

J Sun, CJ Nappo, L Mahrt, D Belušić… - Reviews of …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Flow in a stably stratified environment is characterized by anisotropic and intermittent
turbulence and wavelike motions of varying amplitudes and periods. Understanding …

Generalizing Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (1954) for complex atmospheric turbulence

I Stiperski, M Calaf - Physical Review Letters, 2023 - APS
Monin-Obukhov similarity theory (MOST) forms the basis for parametrizations of turbulent
exchange in virtually all numerical models of atmospheric flows. Yet, its limitations to flat and …

The role of large-coherent-eddy transport in the atmospheric surface layer based on CASES-99 observations

J Sun, DH Lenschow, MA LeMone, L Mahrt - Boundary-layer meteorology, 2016 - Springer
The analysis of momentum and heat fluxes from the Cooperative Atmosphere-Surface
Exchange Study 1999 (CASES-99) field experiment is extended throughout the diurnal cycle …

Understanding physical processes represented by the Monin–Obukhov bulk formula for momentum transfer

J Sun, ES Takle, OC Acevedo - Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2020 - Springer
Physical processes represented by the Monin–Obukhov bulk formula for momentum are
investigated with field observations. We discuss important differences between turbulent …

Wind and temperature oscillations generated by wave–turbulence interactions in the stably stratified boundary layer

J Sun, L Mahrt, C Nappo… - Journal of the …, 2015 -
The authors investigate atmospheric internal gravity waves (IGWs): their generation and
induction of global intermittent turbulence in the nocturnal stable atmospheric boundary …

Contrasting structures between the decoupled and coupled states of the stable boundary layer

OC Acevedo, L Mahrt, FS Puhales… - Quarterly Journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Different aspects of the stable boundary‐layer structure are contrasted between the very
stable and the weakly stable regimes from a new point of view. This study finds a limit wind …

The structure of turbulence in unsteady flow over urban canopies

W Li, MG Giometto - Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2024 -
The topology of turbulent coherent structures is known to regulate the transport of energy,
mass and momentum in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). While previous research has …

Non-stationary boundary layers

L Mahrt, E Bou-Zeid - Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2020 - Springer
The literature includes a wide variety of definitions or perceptions of non-stationarity. Non-
stationarity can be expressed in terms of turbulence statistics or variability of the forcing of …

The influence of submeso processes on stable boundary layer similarity relationships

OC Acevedo, FD Costa, PES Oliveira… - Journal of the …, 2014 -
Previous observational studies in the stable boundary layer diverge appreciably on the
values of dimensionless ratios between turbulence-related quantities and on their stability …