A survey of automatic facial micro-expression analysis: databases, methods, and challenges
Over the last few years, automatic facial micro-expression analysis has garnered increasing
attention from experts across different disciplines because of its potential applications in …
attention from experts across different disciplines because of its potential applications in …
Micro-expression recognition: an updated review of current trends, challenges and solutions
Micro-expression (ME) recognition has attracted numerous interests within the computer
vision circle in different contexts particularly, localization, magnification, and recognition …
vision circle in different contexts particularly, localization, magnification, and recognition …
Towards reading hidden emotions: A comparative study of spontaneous micro-expression spotting and recognition methods
Micro-expressions (MEs) are rapid, involuntary facial expressions which reveal emotions
that people do not intend to show. Studying MEs is valuable as recognizing them has many …
that people do not intend to show. Studying MEs is valuable as recognizing them has many …
Less is more: Micro-expression recognition from video using apex frame
Despite recent interest and advances in facial micro-expression research, there is still plenty
of room for improvement in terms of micro-expression recognition. Conventional feature …
of room for improvement in terms of micro-expression recognition. Conventional feature …
OFF-ApexNet on micro-expression recognition system
When a person attempts to conceal an emotion, the genuine emotion is manifest as a micro-
expression. Exploration of automatic facial micro-expression recognition systems is …
expression. Exploration of automatic facial micro-expression recognition systems is …
Shallow triple stream three-dimensional cnn (ststnet) for micro-expression recognition
In the recent year, state-of-the-art for facial micro-expression recognition have been
significantly advanced by deep neural networks. The robustness of deep learning has …
significantly advanced by deep neural networks. The robustness of deep learning has …
Discriminative spatiotemporal local binary pattern with revisited integral projection for spontaneous facial micro-expression recognition
Recently, there have been increasing interests in inferring mirco-expression from facial
image sequences. Due to subtle facial movement of micro-expressions, feature extraction …
image sequences. Due to subtle facial movement of micro-expressions, feature extraction …
[HTML][HTML] HTNet for micro-expression recognition
Facial expression is related to facial muscle contractions and different muscle movements
correspond to different emotional states. For micro-expression recognition, the muscle …
correspond to different emotional states. For micro-expression recognition, the muscle …
Learning from hierarchical spatiotemporal descriptors for micro-expression recognition
Micro-expression recognition aims to infer genuine emotions that people try to conceal from
facial video clips. It is a very challenging task because micro-expressions have a very low …
facial video clips. It is a very challenging task because micro-expressions have a very low …
Recognizing spontaneous micro-expression using a three-stream convolutional neural network
Micro-expression recognition (MER) has attracted much attention with various practical
applications, particularly in clinical diagnosis and interrogations. In this paper, we propose a …
applications, particularly in clinical diagnosis and interrogations. In this paper, we propose a …