Associations of parenting dimensions and styles with externalizing problems of children and adolescents: An updated meta-analysis.

M Pinquart - Developmental psychology, 2017 -
The present meta-analysis integrates research from 1,435 studies on associations of
parenting dimensions and styles with externalizing symptoms in children and adolescents …

A meta-analysis of risk and protective factors for dating violence victimization: The role of family and peer interpersonal context

M Hébert, MÈ Daspe, A Lapierre… - … Violence, & Abuse, 2019 -
Dating violence (DV) is a widespread social issue that has numerous deleterious
repercussions on youths' health. Family and peer risk factors for DV have been widely …

The power of family and community factors in predicting dating violence: A meta-analysis

S Park, SH Kim - Aggression and violent behavior, 2018 - Elsevier
Dating violence (DV) has been well-documented as one of the serious public health
problems leading various negative health consequences, such as physical injury …

Sexual assault among college students: Family of origin hostility, attachment, and the hook-up culture as risk factors

TE Sutton, LG Simons - Journal of Child and Family Studies, 2015 - Springer
Sexual assault has been recognized as a major public health problem and social concern
among college students for several decades. In response to the inadequacies of many …

Factors linking childhood experiences to adult romantic relationships among African Americans.

LG Simons, RL Simons, AM Landor… - Journal of family …, 2014 -
It is well known that a high-quality relationship with a romantic partner is related to a variety
of positive outcomes associated with health and well-being. Establishing such relationships …

Family dynamics and young adults' well-being: The mediating role of sibling bullying

A Plamondon, G Bouchard… - Journal of …, 2021 -
Although a common form of family violence, sibling bullying is often viewed as harmless by
families and society. Consequently, it has not received as much attention in research …

A meta-analysis linking parent-to-child aggression and dating abuse during adolescence and young adulthood

EA Goncy, EJ Basting, CB Dunn - Trauma, Violence, & …, 2021 -
Relationship continuity and social learning theories provide support for parent-to-child
aggression as one potential explanatory factor for dating abuse (DA); however, empirical …

Dating violence victimization among high school students in Minnesota: Associations with family violence, unsafe schools, and resources for support

AA Earnest, SS Brady - Journal of interpersonal violence, 2016 -
The present study examines whether being a victim of violence by an adult in the household,
witnessing intra-familial physical violence, and feeling unsafe at school are associated with …

The intergenerational transmission of violence: Examining the mediating roles of insecure attachment and destructive disagreement beliefs

TE Sutton, LG Simons, KAS Wickrama… - Violence and …, 2014 -
Intimate partner violence has been recognized as a major problem on college campuses
and is a source of concern for researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and the general …

The role of paternal and maternal warmth and hostility on daughter's psychosocial outcomes: the insidious effects of father warmth combined with high paternal …

J Dmitrieva, EV Espel - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023 -
Introduction Despite the well-accepted view on the importance of parental warmth and
parental hostility for adolescent development, few studies have examined the joint …