Event-triggered feedback in control, estimation, and optimization
Networked control systems often send information across the communication network in a
periodic manner. The selected period, however, must assure adequate system performance …
periodic manner. The selected period, however, must assure adequate system performance …
[ספר][B] Cyber-physical systems: from theory to practice
DB Rawat, JJPC Rodrigues, I Stojmenovic - 2015 - books.google.com
This book presents state-of-the-art of research results related to the science, technology, and
engineering of cyber-physical systems (CPS), including system architecture, development …
engineering of cyber-physical systems (CPS), including system architecture, development …
Stochastic stability of event-triggered anytime control
We investigate control of a non-linear process when communication and processing
capabilities are limited. The sensor communicates with the controller node through an …
capabilities are limited. The sensor communicates with the controller node through an …
Coupled cyber–physical system modeling and coregulation of a cubesat
We propose the application of state-space techniques to develop a novel coupled cyber-
physical system (CPS) model and use feedback control to dynamically adjust CPS resource …
physical system (CPS) model and use feedback control to dynamically adjust CPS resource …
Formal traffic characterization of LTI event-triggered control systems
Unnecessary communication and computation in the periodic execution of control tasks lead
to overprovisioning in hardware design (or underexploitation in hardware utilization) in …
to overprovisioning in hardware design (or underexploitation in hardware utilization) in …
Design and stability analysis for anytime control via stochastic scheduling
In this paper, we consider the problem of designing controllers for linear plants to be
implemented in embedded platforms under stringent real-time constraints. These include …
implemented in embedded platforms under stringent real-time constraints. These include …
Co-design of anytime computation and robust control
Control software of autonomous robots has stringent real-time requirements that must be
met to achieve the control objectives. One source of variability in the performance of a …
met to achieve the control objectives. One source of variability in the performance of a …
Anytime computation and control for autonomous systems
The correct and timely completion of the sensing and action loop is of utmost importance in
safety critical autonomous systems. Crucial to the performance of this feedback control loop …
safety critical autonomous systems. Crucial to the performance of this feedback control loop …
Abstracting the traffic of nonlinear event-triggered control systems
Scheduling communication traffic in networks of event-triggered control (ETC) systems is
challenging, as their sampling times are unknown, hindering application of ETC in networks …
challenging, as their sampling times are unknown, hindering application of ETC in networks …
Sequence-based anytime control
We present two related anytime algorithms for control of nonlinear systems when the
processing resources available are time-varying. The basic idea is to calculate tentative …
processing resources available are time-varying. The basic idea is to calculate tentative …