The effect of preoperative education on postoperative pain and function after orthopedic surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis

F Wang, J Zhang, Y Guan, J ** review
LM Chen, C Mirkazemi, FC Veal - Patient Education and Counseling, 2024 - Elsevier
Objectives To identify interventions educating patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery
about postoperative analgesics and explore their associated outcomes. Methods A sco** …

Effect of pre-operative education on post-operative pain management among adult patients undergoing elective surgery: An integrative review

SL Adam Albalushi, F Khraim, AMM Al-Tawafsheh… - 2023 -
Introduction: Adequate pain control for surgical patients is an important aspect of their post-
operative care. To manage pain, health care professionals use pharmacological and non …

Forhæfing aðgerðasjúklinga með áherslu á hné-og mjaðmaliðskipti: Fræðileg samantekt

BP Bjarnadóttir, ER Arnarsdóttir, NK Gylfadóttir… -
Bakgrunnur: Forhæfing felst í að undirbúa sjúklinga fyrir skurðaðgerð með því að bæta
líkamlegt og andlegt ástand þeirra með það að markmiði að hámarka árangur aðgerðar og …

News & Announcements

EE Johnson -
In a study presented at the at the American Orthopaedic Society of Sports Medicine's
(AOSSM) Annual Meeting 2022, researchers from Rothman Orthopaedics in Philadelphia …