La culture comme force d'avenir: enjeux et défis de l'affirmation culturelle et socioéconomique atikamekw par la création et la mise en marché de produits …
La question identitaire est au coeur des préoccupations de nombreuses communautés
autochtones qui voient divers processus d'assimilation menacer leur riche héritage culturel …
autochtones qui voient divers processus d'assimilation menacer leur riche héritage culturel …
Le design et l'empowerment au sein des communautés autochtones: S'engager avec la matérialité
La colonisation a radicalement transformé la vie matérielle de nombreuses communautés
autochtones. Cet article offre les fondements théoriques pour soutenir l'idée que la pratique …
autochtones. Cet article offre les fondements théoriques pour soutenir l'idée que la pratique …
The Tapiskwan Project: A Design Approach to Foster Empowerment among Atikamekw Artisans
This article presents Tapiskwan, a project focused on develo** design workshops for
indigenous artisans that aim to encourage their empowerment by bridging tradition and …
indigenous artisans that aim to encourage their empowerment by bridging tradition and …
Graphic design as an instrument of identity assertion for indigenous peoples: the case of the Tapiskwan project
This study examines the potential contribution of graphic design practice to the assertion of
the cultural identity of indigenous peoples. A graphic design intervention may be about …
the cultural identity of indigenous peoples. A graphic design intervention may be about …
[PDF][PDF] Design and Empowerment within Indigenous Communities: Engaging with Materiality
Assimilation has drastically transformed the material life of numerous indigenous
communities. This article offers the theoretical foundation to support the idea that design …
communities. This article offers the theoretical foundation to support the idea that design …
[PDF][PDF] Tapiskwan Project: A Design Approach to Foster Empowerment among Atikamekw Artisans
C Sportes, S Roth - researchgate.net
This paper presents Tapiskwan, a project focused on develo** design workshops for
indigenous artisans that aim to encourage their empowerment by bridging tradition and …
indigenous artisans that aim to encourage their empowerment by bridging tradition and …