Recent developments, advances and strategies in heterogeneous photocatalysts for water splitting
Photocatalytic water splitting (PWS) is an up-and-coming technology for generating
sustainable fuel using light energy. Significant progress has been made in the develo** of …
sustainable fuel using light energy. Significant progress has been made in the develo** of …
Recent developments in the ABINIT software package
ABINIT is a package whose main program allows one to find the total energy, charge
density, electronic structure and many other properties of systems made of electrons and …
density, electronic structure and many other properties of systems made of electrons and …
Photocatalytic water splitting—the untamed dream: a review of recent advances
Photocatalytic water splitting using sunlight is a promising technology capable of providing
high energy yield without pollutant byproducts. Herein, we review various aspects of this …
high energy yield without pollutant byproducts. Herein, we review various aspects of this …
Design and exploration of semiconductors from first principles: A review of recent advances
Recent first-principles approaches to semiconductors are reviewed, with an emphasis on
theoretical insight into emerging materials and in silico exploration of as-yet-unreported …
theoretical insight into emerging materials and in silico exploration of as-yet-unreported …
The speed limit of optoelectronics
M Ossiander, K Golyari, K Scharl, L Lehnert… - Nature …, 2022 - nature.com
Light-field driven charge motion links semiconductor technology to electric fields with
attosecond temporal control. Motivated by ultimate-speed electron-based signal processing …
attosecond temporal control. Motivated by ultimate-speed electron-based signal processing …
Right band gaps for the right reason at low computational cost with a meta-GGA
In density functional theory, traditional explicit density functionals such as the local density
approximation and generalized gradient approximations cannot accurately predict the band …
approximation and generalized gradient approximations cannot accurately predict the band …
Polarization-state-resolved high-harmonic spectroscopy of solids
Attosecond metrology sensitive to sub-optical-cycle electronic and structural dynamics is
opening up new avenues for ultrafast spectroscopy of condensed matter. Using intense …
opening up new avenues for ultrafast spectroscopy of condensed matter. Using intense …
Nonempirical dielectric-dependent hybrid functional with range separation for semiconductors and insulators
We present a general scheme of range-separated hybrid functionals in which the mixing
parameters of Fock exchange are fully nonempirical and determined solely from the …
parameters of Fock exchange are fully nonempirical and determined solely from the …
Tailoring the electron and hole Landé factors in lead halide perovskite nanocrystals by quantum confinement and halide exchange
The tunability of the optical properties of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals makes them
highly appealing for applications. Halide anion exchange and quantum confinement enable …
highly appealing for applications. Halide anion exchange and quantum confinement enable …
Accurate electronic and optical properties of hexagonal germanium for optoelectronic applications
C Rödl, J Furthmüller, JR Suckert, V Armuzza… - Physical Review …, 2019 - APS
High-quality defect-free lonsdaleite Si and Ge can now be grown on hexagonal nanowire
substrates. These hexagonal phases of group-IV semiconductors have been predicted to …
substrates. These hexagonal phases of group-IV semiconductors have been predicted to …