Robust nonparametric regression: review and practical considerations
M Salibian-Barrera - Econometrics and Statistics, 2023 - Elsevier
Nonparametric regression models offer a way to understand and quantify relationships
between variables without having to identify an appropriate family of possible regression …
between variables without having to identify an appropriate family of possible regression …
Fast multilevel functional principal component analysis
We introduce fast multilevel functional principal component analysis (fast MFPCA), which
scales up to high dimensional functional data measured at multiple visits. The new approach …
scales up to high dimensional functional data measured at multiple visits. The new approach …
Nonparametric tests for semiparametric regression models
Semiparametric regression models have received considerable attention over the last
decades, because of their flexibility and their good finite sample performances. Here we …
decades, because of their flexibility and their good finite sample performances. Here we …
[HTML][HTML] A mathematical optimization approach to shape-constrained generalized additive models
The vast amount of data generated nowadays demands innovative and flexible techniques
that allow to accommodate expert knowledge and help in decision-making. In this work, we …
that allow to accommodate expert knowledge and help in decision-making. In this work, we …
Functional L-optimality subsampling for functional generalized linear models with massive data
Massive data bring the big challenges of memory and computation for analysis. These
challenges can be tackled by taking subsamples from the full data as a surrogate. For …
challenges can be tackled by taking subsamples from the full data as a surrogate. For …
Sign‐flip inference for spatial regression with differential regularisation
We address the problem of performing inference on the linear and nonlinear terms of a
semiparametric spatial regression model with differential regularisation. For the linear term …
semiparametric spatial regression model with differential regularisation. For the linear term …
[PDF][PDF] Limit theorems for local polynomial estimation of regression for functional dependent data
O Bouanani, S Bouzebda - AIMS Math, 2024 - aimspress.com
Local polynomial fitting exhibits numerous compelling statistical properties, particularly
within the intricate realm of multivariate analysis. However, as functional data analysis gains …
within the intricate realm of multivariate analysis. However, as functional data analysis gains …
Asymptotic properties of penalized splines for functional data
L **ao - 2020 - projecteuclid.org
Asymptotic properties of penalized splines for functional data Page 1 Bernoulli 26(4), 2020,
2847–2875 https://doi.org/10.3150/20-BEJ1209 Asymptotic properties of penalized splines for …
2847–2875 https://doi.org/10.3150/20-BEJ1209 Asymptotic properties of penalized splines for …
[HTML][HTML] Bi-smoothed functional independent component analysis for eeg artifact removal
Motivated by map** adverse artifactual events caused by body movements in
electroencephalographic (EEG) signals, we present a functional independent component …
electroencephalographic (EEG) signals, we present a functional independent component …
This paper develops a general theory on rates of convergence of penalized spline
estimators for function estimation when the likelihood functional is concave in candidate …
estimators for function estimation when the likelihood functional is concave in candidate …