Formal concept analysis in knowledge processing: A survey on models and techniques

J Poelmans, SO Kuznetsov, DI Ignatov… - Expert systems with …, 2013 - Elsevier
This is the first part of a large survey paper in which we analyze recent literature on Formal
Concept Analysis (FCA) and some closely related disciplines using FCA. We collected 1072 …

Comparing performance of algorithms for generating concept lattices

SO Kuznetsov, SA Obiedkov - Journal of Experimental & …, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Recently concept lattices became widely used tools for intelligent data analysis. In this
paper, several algorithms that generate the set of all formal concepts and diagram graphs of …

Pattern structures and their projections

B Ganter, SO Kuznetsov - International conference on conceptual …, 2001 - Springer
Pattern structures consist of objects with descriptions (called patterns) that allow a
semilattice operation on them. Pattern structures arise naturally from ordered data, eg, from …

On stability of a formal concept

SO Kuznetsov - Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 2007 - Springer
In this paper we define and analyze stability of a formal concept. A stability index is based on
the idea of a dependency in a dataset that can be reconstructed from different parts of the …

Machine learning and formal concept analysis

SO Kuznetsov - International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, 2004 - Springer
A model of learning from positive and negative examples is naturally described in terms of
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA). In these terms, result of learning consists of two sets of …

Formal concept analysis in knowledge discovery: a survey

J Poelmans, P Elzinga, S Viaene, G Dedene - Conceptual Structures: From …, 2010 - Springer
In this paper, we analyze the literature on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) using FCA. We
collected 702 papers published between 2003-2009 mentioning Formal Concept Analysis in …

A three-way confirmatory approach to formal concept analysis in classification

M Hu, Z Wang - Applied Soft Computing, 2024 - Elsevier
Formal concept analysis (FCA) has demonstrated its effectiveness in classification through
various studies. A few types of FCA-based classifiers, such as rule-based, concept-cognitive …

Introduction to formal concept analysis and its applications in information retrieval and related fields

DI Ignatov - Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval, 2014 - Springer
This paper is a tutorial on Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and its applications. FCA is an
applied branch of Lattice Theory, a mathematical discipline which enables formalisation of …

Tri-level conflict analysis from the angle of three-valued concept analysis

R Ren, J Qi, L Wei, X Wei - Information Sciences, 2024 - Elsevier
Conflict analysis is the process of examining a conflict situation with the purpose of
understanding its causes and dynamics, and identifying effective strategies for resolution or …

Efficient mining of association rules based on formal concept analysis

L Lakhal, G Stumme - Formal concept analysis: Foundations and …, 2005 - Springer
Association rules are a popular knowledge discovery technique for warehouse basket
analysis. They indicate which items of the warehouse are frequently bought together. The …