Multimodal language processing in human communication
The natural ecology of human language is face-to-face interaction comprising the exchange
of a plethora of multimodal signals. Trying to understand the psycholinguistic processing of …
of a plethora of multimodal signals. Trying to understand the psycholinguistic processing of …
Artificial sensory memory
Sensory memory, formed at the beginning while perceiving and interacting with the
environment, is considered a primary source of intelligence. Transferring such biological …
environment, is considered a primary source of intelligence. Transferring such biological …
The construct of the multisensory temporal binding window and its dysregulation in developmental disabilities
Behavior, perception and cognition are strongly shaped by the synthesis of information
across the different sensory modalities. Such multisensory integration often results in …
across the different sensory modalities. Such multisensory integration often results in …
Heartbeat counting is unrelated to heartbeat detection: A comparison of methods to quantify interoception
C Ring, J Brener - Psychophysiology, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Recent research has identified individual differences in interoceptive sensitivity as a key
source of variation in action, cognition, and emotion. This research has relied heavily on a …
source of variation in action, cognition, and emotion. This research has relied heavily on a …
The multifaceted interplay between attention and multisensory integration
Multisensory integration has often been characterized as an automatic process. Recent
findings indicate that multisensory integration can occur across various stages of stimulus …
findings indicate that multisensory integration can occur across various stages of stimulus …
The mismatch negativity (MMN) in basic research of central auditory processing: a review
In the present article, the basic research using the mismatch negativity (MMN) and
analogous results obtained by using the magnetoencephalography (MEG) and other brain …
analogous results obtained by using the magnetoencephalography (MEG) and other brain …
Is neocortex essentially multisensory?
Although sensory perception and neurobiology are traditionally investigated one modality at
a time, real world behaviour and perception are driven by the integration of information from …
a time, real world behaviour and perception are driven by the integration of information from …
Severe multisensory speech integration deficits in high-functioning school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their resolution during early …
Under noisy listening conditions, visualizing a speaker's articulations substantially improves
speech intelligibility. This multisensory speech integration ability is crucial to effective …
speech intelligibility. This multisensory speech integration ability is crucial to effective …
Multisensory interplay reveals crossmodal influences on 'sensory-specific'brain regions, neural responses, and judgments
J Driver, T Noesselt - Neuron, 2008 - cell.com
Although much traditional sensory research has studied each sensory modality in isolation,
there has been a recent explosion of interest in causal interplay between different senses …
there has been a recent explosion of interest in causal interplay between different senses …
[SÁCH][B] The unity of consciousness
T Bayne - 2012 - books.google.com
In The Unity of Consciousness Tim Bayne draws on philosophy, psychology, and
neuroscience in defence of the claim that consciousness is unified. In the first part of the …
neuroscience in defence of the claim that consciousness is unified. In the first part of the …