Recent developments in the modeling, analysis, and numerics of ferromagnetism
Micromagnetics is a continuum variational theory describing magnetization patterns in
ferromagnetic media. Its multiscale nature due to different inherent spatiotemporal physical …
ferromagnetic media. Its multiscale nature due to different inherent spatiotemporal physical …
A reduced theory for thin‐film micromagnetics
Micromagnetics is a nonlocal, nonconvex variational problem. Its minimizer represents the
ground‐state magnetization pattern of a ferromagnetic body under a specified external field …
ground‐state magnetization pattern of a ferromagnetic body under a specified external field …
Another thin-film limit of micromagnetics
We consider the variational problem of micromagnetics for soft, relatively small thin films with
no applied magnetic field. In terms of the film thickness t, the diameter l and the magnetic …
no applied magnetic field. In terms of the film thickness t, the diameter l and the magnetic …
Energy-driven pattern formation
RV Kohn - International Congress of Mathematicians, 2007 -
Many physical systems can be modelled by nonconvex variational problems regularized by
higher-order terms. Examples include martensitic phase transformation, micromagnetics …
higher-order terms. Examples include martensitic phase transformation, micromagnetics …
Optimal Besov differentiability for entropy solutions of the eikonal equation
Optimal Besov Differentiability for Entropy Solutions of the Eikonal Equation Page 1 Optimal
Besov Differentiability for Entropy Solutions of the Eikonal Equation FRANCESCO GHIRALDIN …
Besov Differentiability for Entropy Solutions of the Eikonal Equation FRANCESCO GHIRALDIN …
2-d stability of the Néel wall
A DeSimone, H Knüpfer, F Otto - Calculus of Variations and Partial …, 2006 - Springer
We are interested in thin-film samples in micromagnetism, where the magnetization m is a 2-
d unit-length vector field. More precisely we are interested in transition layers which connect …
d unit-length vector field. More precisely we are interested in transition layers which connect …
Stability of static walls for a three-dimensional model of ferromagnetic material
G Carbou - Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées, 2010 - Elsevier
In this paper we consider a three-dimensional model of ferromagnetic material. We deal with
the static domain wall configuration calculated by Walker. We prove the stability of this …
the static domain wall configuration calculated by Walker. We prove the stability of this …
Stability for static walls in ferromagnetic nanowires
G Carbou, S Labbé - … and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 2006 -
The goal of this article is to analyse the time asymptotic stability of one dimensional Bloch
wall in ferromagnetic materials. The equation involved in modelling such materials is the …
wall in ferromagnetic materials. The equation involved in modelling such materials is the …
Compactness, kinetic formulation, and entropies for a problem related to micromagnetics
T Riviere, S Serfaty - 2003 - Taylor & Francis
We carry on the study of (Rivière T, Serfaty S. Limiting domain wall energy for a problem
related to micromagnetics. Comm Pure Appl Math 2001; 54 (3): 294–338.) on the …
related to micromagnetics. Comm Pure Appl Math 2001; 54 (3): 294–338.) on the …
Stabilization of walls for nano-wires of finite length
G Carbou, S Labbé - ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of …, 2012 -
In this paper we study a one dimensional model of ferromagnetic nano-wires of finite length.
First we justify the model by Γ-convergence arguments. Furthermore we prove the existence …
First we justify the model by Γ-convergence arguments. Furthermore we prove the existence …