Current–voltage analysis of a‐Si and a‐SiGe solar cells including voltage‐dependent photocurrent collection
SS Hegedus - Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and …, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
The current–voltage (J (V)) data measured in light and dark from a‐Si‐based solar cells
have been analyzed to yield six parameters that completely specify the illuminated J (V) …
have been analyzed to yield six parameters that completely specify the illuminated J (V) …
Quality factor in a‐Si:H nip and pin diodes
C Van Berkel, MJ Powell, AR Franklin… - Journal of applied …, 1993 - pubs.aip.org
We analyze the forward characteristics of a‐Si: H nip and pin diodes. At low bias, a well‐
defined exponential region exists, described by a noninteger quality factor n between 1.2 …
defined exponential region exists, described by a noninteger quality factor n between 1.2 …
The open circuit voltage in amorphous silicon pin solar cells and its relationship to material, device and dark diode parameters
U Dutta, P Chatterjee - Journal of applied physics, 2004 - pubs.aip.org
U. Dutta, P. Chatterjee; The open circuit voltage in amorphous silicon pin solar cells and its
relationship to material, device and dark diode parameters. J. Appl. Phys. 15 August 2004; …
relationship to material, device and dark diode parameters. J. Appl. Phys. 15 August 2004; …
Electrical characterization of n‐amorphous/p‐crystalline silicon heterojunctions
n‐type amorphous silicon on p‐type crystalline silicon heterojunction diodes were fabricated
and electrically characterized. The a‐Si: H film was deposited by plasma enhanced …
and electrically characterized. The a‐Si: H film was deposited by plasma enhanced …
Photovoltaic performance of a‐Si:H homojunction p‐i‐n solar cells: A computer simulation study
P Chatterjee - Journal of applied Physics, 1994 - pubs.aip.org
A first principles computer model for simulating the performance of amorphous
semiconductor solar cells has been developed. With a suitable choice of parameters, the …
semiconductor solar cells has been developed. With a suitable choice of parameters, the …
Performance and stability improvement of single junction a-Si: H solar cell by interface engineering
In this study, the influence of p/i interface on the stability of amorphous silicon solar cells has
been investigated by light-induced degradation study. To peruse this study a series of pin …
been investigated by light-induced degradation study. To peruse this study a series of pin …
Carrier recombination and differential diode quality factors in the dark forward bias current-voltage characteristics of a‐Si: H solar cells
J Deng, CR Wronski - Journal of applied physics, 2005 - pubs.aip.org
A careful study has been carried out on dark forward bias current-voltage characteristics in
high-quality well-controlled a‐Si: H solar cell structures. Contributions of potential barriers in …
high-quality well-controlled a‐Si: H solar cell structures. Contributions of potential barriers in …
Space charge recombination in P N junctions with a discrete and continuous trap distribution
Space charge Shockley-Read-Hall recombination currents in the presence of discrete or
continuous distributions of recombination centres are analysed. For a single level trap …
continuous distributions of recombination centres are analysed. For a single level trap …
Electrical transport mechanisms in amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction: Impact of passivation layer thickness
We investigate the current transport mechanisms in the amorphous silicon/crystalline silicon
heterojunction and the change of these processes when an intrinsic amorphous silicon …
heterojunction and the change of these processes when an intrinsic amorphous silicon …
Thermal ideality factor of hydrogenated amorphous silicon pin solar cells
R Kind, R Van Swaaij, FA Rubinelli… - Journal of applied …, 2011 - pubs.aip.org
The performance of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si: H) pin solar cells is limited, as
they contain a relatively high concentration of defects. The dark current voltage (JV) …
they contain a relatively high concentration of defects. The dark current voltage (JV) …