Hopium or empowering hope? A meta-analysis of hope and climate engagement
Researchers are increasingly examining whether hope can motivate action on climate
change, or conversely, whether it might demotivate such action. We present a meta-analysis …
change, or conversely, whether it might demotivate such action. We present a meta-analysis …
The effect of information provision on consumers' risk perceptions of, support for a ban, and behavioral intention towards the preventive use of antibiotics in food …
Background Antibiotics have been widely used in feed and drinking water for food animals
to prevent them from getting sick. Such preventive use of antibiotics has become a …
to prevent them from getting sick. Such preventive use of antibiotics has become a …
[HTML][HTML] The effects of fear appeals on reactance in climate change communication
Addressing the existential threat posed by climate change requires urgent actions, both on
an individual level and on a policy level. In the present research, we applied an emotion …
an individual level and on a policy level. In the present research, we applied an emotion …
Can you picture it? Effects of positive and negative depictions of climate futures on climate action intentions
Media messages about climate change are often negative, depicting dire future
consequences if action is not taken. While the fear elicited by such messages may motivate …
consequences if action is not taken. While the fear elicited by such messages may motivate …
[PDF][PDF] Transformative foresight for diverse futures: the Seeds of Good Anthropocenes initiative
Motivation: Foresight methods are increasingly recognized as essential for decision-making
in complex environments, particularly within development and research settings. As …
in complex environments, particularly within development and research settings. As …
“Hide Our Heads in the Sand”: Environmental information avoidance motives in the United States
Information avoidance (IA) is a prevalent information behavior that is used by people to
understand and act on environmental issues, yet is understudied in the environmental field …
understand and act on environmental issues, yet is understudied in the environmental field …
Evidence of emotions and psychological defences in urban water-efficiency campaigns' communications
We analysed fourteen different American water-efficiency campaigns for evidence of (1)
explicit and implicit emotions,(2) explicit and implicit mortality reminders, and (3) cultural …
explicit and implicit emotions,(2) explicit and implicit mortality reminders, and (3) cultural …
Prolegomenon: A Geoengineering Primer
M Beech - Geoengineering and Climate Change: Methods, Risks …, 2025 - books.google.com
Geoengineering encompasses many potential actions that set out to deliberately lower the
aggregate temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. Such actions typically look to enhance the …
aggregate temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. Such actions typically look to enhance the …
Framing Climate Change: The Impact of Repeated Exposure to Self-and Social-Framing Messages on Climate Change Outcomes and Public Segmentation in China
X Ma - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Background and Purpose. Climate change is an urgent global issue, and China, as the
world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, plays a crucial role in the global response to …
world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, plays a crucial role in the global response to …
Changing the Communication for a Changing Climate: Effects of Climate Change Communication on Identity, Emotions, and Mobilization
L Schwartz - 2024 - digitalcommons.hamline.edu
What are the most constructive emotions to evoke in climate change communication for
diverse groups of people in a way that encourages pro-environmental behavior? A specific …
diverse groups of people in a way that encourages pro-environmental behavior? A specific …