A review of methodologies for natural-language-facilitated human–robot cooperation
Natural-language-facilitated human–robot cooperation refers to using natural language to
facilitate interactive information sharing and task executions with a common goal constraint …
facilitate interactive information sharing and task executions with a common goal constraint …
Jointly improving parsing and perception for natural language commands through human-robot dialog
In this work, we present methods for using human-robot dialog to improve language
understanding for a mobile robot agent. The agent parses natural language to underlying …
understanding for a mobile robot agent. The agent parses natural language to underlying …
Object affordance based multimodal fusion for natural human-robot interaction
Spoken language based natural Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) requires robots to have the
ability to understand spoken language, and extract the intention-related information from the …
ability to understand spoken language, and extract the intention-related information from the …
Trends, challenges and adopted strategies in robocup@ home
Scientific competitions are crucial in the field of service robotics. They foster knowledge
exchange and benchmarking, allowing teams to test their research in unstandardized …
exchange and benchmarking, allowing teams to test their research in unstandardized …