Advances in the study of supercooled water
In this review, we report recent progress in the field of supercooled water. Due to its
uniqueness, water presents numerous anomalies with respect to most simple liquids …
uniqueness, water presents numerous anomalies with respect to most simple liquids …
[HTML][HTML] Studying rare events using forward-flux sampling: Recent breakthroughs and future outlook
S Hussain, A Haji-Akbari - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
Rare events are processes that occur upon the emergence of unlikely fluctuations. Unlike
what their name suggests, rare events are fairly ubiquitous in nature, as the occurrence of …
what their name suggests, rare events are fairly ubiquitous in nature, as the occurrence of …
Second critical point in two realistic models of water
The hypothesis that water has a second critical point at deeply supercooled conditions was
formulated to provide a thermodynamically consistent interpretation of numerous …
formulated to provide a thermodynamically consistent interpretation of numerous …
Signatures of a liquid–liquid transition in an ab initio deep neural network model for water
The possible existence of a metastable liquid–liquid transition (LLT) and a corresponding
liquid–liquid critical point (LLCP) in supercooled liquid water remains a topic of much …
liquid–liquid critical point (LLCP) in supercooled liquid water remains a topic of much …
Topological nature of the liquid–liquid phase transition in tetrahedral liquids
The first-order phase transition between two tetrahedral networks of different density—
introduced as a hypothesis to account for the anomalous behaviour of certain …
introduced as a hypothesis to account for the anomalous behaviour of certain …
[HTML][HTML] Liquid–liquid transition and polyamorphism
H Tanaka - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020 - pubs.aip.org
Two or more liquid states may exist even for single-component substances, which is known
as liquid polymorphism, and the transition between them is called liquid–liquid transition …
as liquid polymorphism, and the transition between them is called liquid–liquid transition …
The anomalies and criticality of liquid water
The origin of water's anomalies has been a matter of long-standing debate. A two-state
model, dating back to Röntgen, relies on the dynamical coexistence of two types of local …
model, dating back to Röntgen, relies on the dynamical coexistence of two types of local …
Ice is born in low-mobility regions of supercooled liquid water
When an ice crystal is born from liquid water, two key changes occur:(i) The molecules order
and (ii) the mobility of the molecules drops as they adopt their lattice positions. Most …
and (ii) the mobility of the molecules drops as they adopt their lattice positions. Most …
Evidence of ferroelectric features in low-density supercooled water from ab initio deep neural-network simulations
Over the last decade, an increasing body of evidence has emerged, supporting the
existence of a metastable liquid–liquid critical point in supercooled water whereby two …
existence of a metastable liquid–liquid critical point in supercooled water whereby two …
Deciphering density fluctuations in the hydration water of Brownian nanoparticles via upconversion thermometry
We investigate the intricate relationship among temperature, pH, and Brownian velocity in a
range of differently sized upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) dispersed in water. These …
range of differently sized upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) dispersed in water. These …