[HTML][HTML] Novel dilute bismide, epitaxy, physical properties and device application

L Wang, L Zhang, L Yue, D Liang, X Chen, Y Li, P Lu… - Crystals, 2017 - mdpi.com
Dilute bismide in which a small amount of bismuth is incorporated to host III-Vs is the least
studied III-V compound semiconductor and has received steadily increasing attention since …

Temperature dependence of band gaps in dilute bismides

WM Linhart, R Kudrawiec - Semiconductor Science and …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
Abstract Knowledge about the temperature dependence of the fundamental band-gap
energy of semiconductors is very important and constitutes the basis for develo** …

GaSbBi/GaSb quantum well laser diodes

O Delorme, L Cerutti, E Luna, G Narcy… - Applied Physics …, 2017 - pubs.aip.org
We report on the structural and optical properties of GaSbBi single layers and GaSbBi/GaSb
quantum well heterostructures grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaSb substrates …

Bi flux-dependent MBE growth of GaSbBi alloys

MK Rajpalke, WM Linhart, KM Yu, TS Jones… - Journal of Crystal …, 2015 - Elsevier
The incorporation of Bi in GaSb 1− x Bi x alloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy is
investigated as a function of Bi flux at fixed growth temperature (275° C) and growth rate (1 μ …

Electronic band structure and material gain of III-V-Bi quantum wells grown on GaSb substrate and dedicated for mid-infrared spectral range

M Gladysiewicz, R Kudrawiec, MS Wartak - Journal of Applied Physics, 2016 - pubs.aip.org
The 8-band kp Hamiltonian is applied to calculate electronic band structure and material
gain in III-V-Bi quantum wells (QWs) grown on GaSb substrates. We analyzed three Bi …

Molecular beam epitaxy growth and optical properties of high bismuth content GaSb1-xBix thin films

L Yue, X Chen, Y Zhang, F Zhang, L Wang… - Journal of Alloys and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Epitaxial growth of GaSb 1–x Bi x thin films on GaSb (100) substrates were studied by
varying V/III ratio, growth temperatures and Bi flux using molecular beam epitaxy. It is …

Influence of Bi and N related impurity states on the band structure and band offsets of GaSbBiN alloys

DP Samajdar, U Das, AS Sharma, S Das, S Dhar - Current Applied Physics, 2016 - Elsevier
The perturbed band structure of a proposed material GaSbBiN, formed by the incorporation
of N and Bi in GaSb, is calculated using a 16 band k· p Hamiltonian. The changes in band …

Calculation of the band structure, carrier effective mass, and the optical absorption properties of GaSbBi alloys

S Das, MK Bhowal, S Dhar - Journal of Applied Physics, 2019 - pubs.aip.org
The details of the electronic band structure of GaSbBi as functions of Bi mole fraction and
along different symmetry directions of the crystal are calculated using a 14 band kp model …

GaSbBi/GaSb quantum-well and wire laser diodes

S Ridene - Chemical Physics Letters, 2018 - Elsevier
In this work, we present detailed theoretical studies of the optical gain spectra and the
emission wavelength of GaSb 1-x Bi x/GaSb and traditional GaAs 1-x Bi x/GaAs dilute …