Lensless digital holographic microscopy and its applications in biomedicine and environmental monitoring

Y Wu, A Ozcan - Methods, 2018 - Elsevier
Optical compound microscope has been a major tool in biomedical imaging for centuries. Its
performance relies on relatively complicated, bulky and expensive lenses and alignment …

[HTML][HTML] Diagnosis of herpes simplex virus: laboratory and point-of-care techniques

P Nath, MA Kabir, SK Doust, A Ray - Infectious Disease Reports, 2021 - mdpi.com
Herpes is a widespread viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) that has no
permanent cure to date. There are two subtypes, HSV-1 and HSV-2, that are known to cause …

Deep learning enables high-throughput analysis of particle-aggregation-based biosensors imaged using holography

Y Wu, A Ray, Q Wei, A Feizi, X Tong, E Chen… - Acs …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Aggregation-based assays, using micro-and nanoparticles have been widely accepted as
an efficient and cost-effective biosensing tool, particularly in microbiology, where particle …

Synthesis and multi-scale properties of PuO 2 nanoparticles: recent advances and open questions

M Virot, T Dumas, M Cot-Auriol, P Moisy… - Nanoscale …, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Due to the increased attention given to actinide nanomaterials, the question of their structure–
property relationship is on the spotlight of recent publications. Plutonium oxide (PuO2) …

3D-printable portable open-source platform for low-cost lens-less holographic cellular imaging

S Amann, M Witzleben, S Breuer - Scientific reports, 2019 - nature.com
Digital holographic microscopy is an emerging, potentially low-cost alternative to
conventional light microscopy for micro-object imaging on earth, underwater and in space …

[HTML][HTML] Detection of bacterial and viral pathogens using photonic point-of-care devices

P Nath, A Kabir, S Khoubafarin Doust, ZJ Kreais, A Ray - Diagnostics, 2020 - mdpi.com
Infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses are highly contagious and can easily be
transmitted via air, water, body fluids, etc. Throughout human civilization, there have been …

Low-intensity illumination for lensless digital holographic microscopy with minimized sample interaction

B Mirecki, M Rogalski, P Arcab, P Rogujski… - Biomedical Optics …, 2022 - opg.optica.org
Exposure to laser light alters cell culture examination via optical microscopic imaging
techniques based on label-free coherent digital holography. To mitigate this detrimental …

Automated detection of apoptotic versus nonapoptotic cell death using label‐free computational microscopy

MA Kabir, A Kharel, S Malla, ZJ Kreis… - Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Identification of cell death mechanisms, particularly distinguishing between apoptotic versus
nonapoptotic pathways, is of paramount importance for a wide range of applications related …

Lensfree Air-Quality Monitoring of Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Matter Using Vapor-Condensed Nanolenses

M Baker, F Gollier, JE Melzer… - ACS Applied Nano …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Current commercial air-quality monitoring devices lack a large dynamic range, especially at
the small, ultrafine size scale. Furthermore, there is a low density of air-quality monitoring …

Accurate and fast modeling of scattering from random arrays of nanoparticles using the discrete dipole approximation and angular spectrum method

M Baker, W Liu, E McLeod - Optics Express, 2021 - opg.optica.org
Lens-free microscopes can utilize holographic reconstruction techniques to recover the
image of an object from the digitally recorded superposition of an unperturbed plane wave …