Lensless digital holographic microscopy and its applications in biomedicine and environmental monitoring
Optical compound microscope has been a major tool in biomedical imaging for centuries. Its
performance relies on relatively complicated, bulky and expensive lenses and alignment …
performance relies on relatively complicated, bulky and expensive lenses and alignment …
[HTML][HTML] Diagnosis of herpes simplex virus: laboratory and point-of-care techniques
Herpes is a widespread viral infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) that has no
permanent cure to date. There are two subtypes, HSV-1 and HSV-2, that are known to cause …
permanent cure to date. There are two subtypes, HSV-1 and HSV-2, that are known to cause …
Deep learning enables high-throughput analysis of particle-aggregation-based biosensors imaged using holography
Aggregation-based assays, using micro-and nanoparticles have been widely accepted as
an efficient and cost-effective biosensing tool, particularly in microbiology, where particle …
an efficient and cost-effective biosensing tool, particularly in microbiology, where particle …
Synthesis and multi-scale properties of PuO 2 nanoparticles: recent advances and open questions
Due to the increased attention given to actinide nanomaterials, the question of their structure–
property relationship is on the spotlight of recent publications. Plutonium oxide (PuO2) …
property relationship is on the spotlight of recent publications. Plutonium oxide (PuO2) …
3D-printable portable open-source platform for low-cost lens-less holographic cellular imaging
Digital holographic microscopy is an emerging, potentially low-cost alternative to
conventional light microscopy for micro-object imaging on earth, underwater and in space …
conventional light microscopy for micro-object imaging on earth, underwater and in space …
[HTML][HTML] Detection of bacterial and viral pathogens using photonic point-of-care devices
Infectious diseases caused by bacteria and viruses are highly contagious and can easily be
transmitted via air, water, body fluids, etc. Throughout human civilization, there have been …
transmitted via air, water, body fluids, etc. Throughout human civilization, there have been …
Low-intensity illumination for lensless digital holographic microscopy with minimized sample interaction
Exposure to laser light alters cell culture examination via optical microscopic imaging
techniques based on label-free coherent digital holography. To mitigate this detrimental …
techniques based on label-free coherent digital holography. To mitigate this detrimental …
Automated detection of apoptotic versus nonapoptotic cell death using label‐free computational microscopy
Identification of cell death mechanisms, particularly distinguishing between apoptotic versus
nonapoptotic pathways, is of paramount importance for a wide range of applications related …
nonapoptotic pathways, is of paramount importance for a wide range of applications related …
Lensfree Air-Quality Monitoring of Fine and Ultrafine Particulate Matter Using Vapor-Condensed Nanolenses
M Baker, F Gollier, JE Melzer… - ACS Applied Nano …, 2023 - ACS Publications
Current commercial air-quality monitoring devices lack a large dynamic range, especially at
the small, ultrafine size scale. Furthermore, there is a low density of air-quality monitoring …
the small, ultrafine size scale. Furthermore, there is a low density of air-quality monitoring …
Accurate and fast modeling of scattering from random arrays of nanoparticles using the discrete dipole approximation and angular spectrum method
Lens-free microscopes can utilize holographic reconstruction techniques to recover the
image of an object from the digitally recorded superposition of an unperturbed plane wave …
image of an object from the digitally recorded superposition of an unperturbed plane wave …