Effect of hydride orientation on tensile properties and crack formation in zirconium alloy cladding tubes
X Hong, F Ma, J Zhang, D Du, H Tian, Q Xu… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2024 - Elsevier
Hydride precipitation and reorientation are of great importance to evaluate considering their
detrimental influence on mechanical properties of nuclear fuel claddings. In this work, a fully …
detrimental influence on mechanical properties of nuclear fuel claddings. In this work, a fully …
Recrystallization and grain growth of Zr-Nb-Sn alloy in 400–500° C and effect on hydride embrittlement
The recrystallization and grain growth of a reactor-grade Zr-Nb-Sn alloy were experimentally
investigated in the temperature range of 400–500° C. Electron backscatter diffraction …
investigated in the temperature range of 400–500° C. Electron backscatter diffraction …
Fractal pattern of δ-hydride with stress-state
Fractal dimension of any defect in microstructure is a critical parameter for their geometric
irregularities, pattern of arrangements and morphological attributes. The fractal dimensions …
irregularities, pattern of arrangements and morphological attributes. The fractal dimensions …
Relations of microstructural attributes and strength-ductility of zirconium alloys with hydrides
As the first safety barrier of nuclear reactors, zirconium alloy cladding tubes have attracted
extensive attention because of its good mechanical properties. The strength and ductility of …
extensive attention because of its good mechanical properties. The strength and ductility of …
Hydride orientation near pressure tube-end fitting rolled joints
Abstract The connection between Zr–2.5% Nb pressure tubes and modified martensitic
stainless steel-403 end fittings in Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) at the rolled …
stainless steel-403 end fittings in Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) at the rolled …
[HTML][HTML] Corrosion of Chromium Coating Fabricated on Zircaloy-4 Substrate
In the nuclear industry, coated cladding is a topical problem and it is chosen as the near-
term and most promising ATF (Accident-Tolerant Fuel) cladding concept. The main objective …
term and most promising ATF (Accident-Tolerant Fuel) cladding concept. The main objective …
Evolution of an approach to the modeling of zirconium hydrides morphology based on Monte-Carlo method in 3D representation
Simulation of hydrides' morphology in zirconium in 3D representation assuming classical
heterogenous nucleation and diffusion growth with taking into account the mutual influence …
heterogenous nucleation and diffusion growth with taking into account the mutual influence …
Characterization of Hydride Precipitation and Reorientation in Zircaloy-4 at Different Metallurgical States
Hydride precipitation and reorientation have the potential to embrittle zirconium alloys. This
study aims to better understand the influence of the zirconium microstructure on hydride …
study aims to better understand the influence of the zirconium microstructure on hydride …
[PDF][PDF] Modelling the morphology of hydrides in fuel rod cladding under the conditions of the long-term bundle test in the framework of the SPIZWURZ project
Modelling the morphology of hydrides in fuel rod cladding under the conditions of the long-term
bundle test in the framework of Page 1 Modelling the morphology of hydrides in fuel rod …
bundle test in the framework of Page 1 Modelling the morphology of hydrides in fuel rod …
[PDF][PDF] Study of hydride interconnectivity of reactor-grade Zircaloy nuclear fuel cladding with EBSD characterization
김상범 - 2023 - s-space.snu.ac.kr
Among various degradation mechanisms affecting nuclear fuel cladding, hydrogen-induced
embrittlement is known to be major degradation factor. For decades, extensive studies have …
embrittlement is known to be major degradation factor. For decades, extensive studies have …