Identification of city hotspots by analyzing telecom call detail records using complex network modeling
Many interesting observations are made from the analysis of Telecom bigdata called call
detail records (CDR) on various aspects of city dynamics. CDR is a low-cost, real-time, and …
detail records (CDR) on various aspects of city dynamics. CDR is a low-cost, real-time, and …
Using mobile data to evaluate unobserved tourist overnight stays
Tourist overnight stays are difficult to estimate properly due to the substantial gaps in the
official data and the multiple types of accommodation. This trend has been accentuated with …
official data and the multiple types of accommodation. This trend has been accentuated with …
Effective credit scoring using limited mobile phone data
There has been a recent explosion of companies providing micro-loans through digital
media in many develo** countries. This explosion is fueled by the need for quick and …
media in many develo** countries. This explosion is fueled by the need for quick and …
Exploration of human activities using message streaming brokers and automated logical reasoning for ambient-assisted services
Intelligent environments combine physical spaces with pervasive computing technologies to
provide context-aware, people-centred, and ambient-assisted strengthening of the activities …
provide context-aware, people-centred, and ambient-assisted strengthening of the activities …
Exploring a new model for mobile positioning based on CDR data of the cellular networks
The emerging technologies related to mobile data especially CDR data has great potential
for mobility and transportation applications. However, it presents some challenges due to its …
for mobility and transportation applications. However, it presents some challenges due to its …
Identification of Aggregate Urban Mobility Patterns of Nonregular Travellers from Mobile Phone Data
Over the last two decades, mobile phone data have appeared to be a promising data source
for mobility analysis. The structure, abundance, and accessibility of call detail records …
for mobility analysis. The structure, abundance, and accessibility of call detail records …
Agent-Based Modeling of Tourist Flow Distribution Based on the Analysis of Tourist Preferences
The purpose of this research is to develop of the structure of the agent-based model for the
analysis of tourist demand. Within the study, the tourism industry is considered as a system …
analysis of tourist demand. Within the study, the tourism industry is considered as a system …
Mining call detail records to reconstruct global urban mobility patterns for large scale emissions calculation
M Seppecher - 2022 - theses.hal.science
Road traffic contributes significantly to atmospheric emissions in urban areas, a major issue
in the fight against climate change. Therefore, joint monitoring of road traffic and related …
in the fight against climate change. Therefore, joint monitoring of road traffic and related …
[PDF][PDF] Mobile Big Data: Foundations, State of the Art, and Future Directions.
Emerging ubiquitous mobile services and applications have unveiled the Mobile Big Data
era in which the large volumes of data derived from mobile Internet traffics become valuable …
era in which the large volumes of data derived from mobile Internet traffics become valuable …
La sostenibilità ambientale nel turismo: un'analisi empirica sul valore aggiunto del marchio Ecolabel UE percepito dai consumatori dei servizi ricettivi
M Belcastro - 2021 - iris.uniroma1.it
Negli ultimi anni il settore ricettivo, e in particolar modo quello alberghiero, ha iniziato ad
attuare adozioni su base volontaria di marchi ecologici con l'obiettivo da un lato di invertire …
attuare adozioni su base volontaria di marchi ecologici con l'obiettivo da un lato di invertire …