Exploring chart question answering for blind and low vision users

J Kim, A Srinivasan, NW Kim, YS Kim - … of the 2023 CHI Conference on …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Data visualizations can be complex or involve numerous data points, making them
impractical to navigate using screen readers alone. Question answering (QA) systems have …

“Explain what a treemap is”: Exploratory investigation of strategies for explaining unfamiliar chart to blind and low vision users

G Kim, J Kim, YS Kim - Proceedings of the 2023 CHI conference on …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Visualization designers increasingly use diverse types of visualizations, but assistive
technologies and education for blind and low vision people often focus on elementary chart …

Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State‐of‐the‐Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization

K Enge, E Elmquist, V Caiola… - Computer Graphics …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The research communities studying visualization and sonification for data display and
analysis share exceptionally similar goals, essentially making data of any kind interpretable …

Entangling the roles of maker and interpreter in interpersonal data narratives: Explorations in yarn and sound

M Friske, J Wirfs-Brock, L Devendorf - Proceedings of the 2020 ACM …, 2020 - dl.acm.org
To explore how materials, data, and humans collaborate to produce physical data
representations, we created a series of artefacts from personal data we collected (about …

Seeing through sounds: Map** auditory dimensions to data and charts for people with visual impairments

R Wang, C Jung, Y Kim - Computer Graphics Forum, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Sonification can be an effective medium for people with visual impairments to understand
data in visualizations. However, there are no universal design principles that apply to …

Designing ecological auditory feedback on lower limb kinematics for hemiparetic gait training

PR Kantan, S Dahl, HR Jørgensen, C Khadye… - Sensors, 2023 - mdpi.com
Auditory feedback has earlier been explored as a tool to enhance patient awareness of gait
kinematics during rehabilitation. In this study, we devised and tested a novel set of …

Evaluating micro-guidance sonification methods in manual tasks for blind and visually impaired people

R Guarese, F Zambetta, R van Schyndel - Proceedings of the 34th …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
This paper presents a user evaluation of seven sonification methods in two-dimensional
(2D) manual micro-guidance tasks, which can be used as building blocks for spatialized …

Listening to life: Sonification for enhancing discovery in biological research

R Braun, M Tfirn, RM Ford - Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Sonification, or the practice of generating sound from data, is a promising alternative or
complement to data visualization for exploring research questions in the life sciences …

A technical framework for musical biofeedback in stroke rehabilitation

P Kantan, EG Spaich, S Dahl - IEEE Transactions on Human …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this article, we present a technical framework aimed at facilitating musical biofeedback
research in poststroke movement rehabilitation. The framework comprises wireless …

Reflecting on qualitative and quantitative data to frame criteria for effective sonification design

K Groß-Vogt, K Enge, IO m. zmölnig - Proceedings of the 18th …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
A subjective stagnation in the field of sonification research has been discussed. However,
sonification has spread in simpler forms. We present a data set from Google scholar that …