Imaging-based parcellations of the human brain
A defining aspect of brain organization is its spatial heterogeneity, which gives rise to
multiple topographies at different scales. Brain parcellation—defining distinct partitions in …
multiple topographies at different scales. Brain parcellation—defining distinct partitions in …
Interpreting and utilising intersubject variability in brain function
We consider between-subject variance in brain function as data rather than noise. We
describe variability as a natural output of a noisy plastic system (the brain) where each …
describe variability as a natural output of a noisy plastic system (the brain) where each …
Topographic organization of the cerebral cortex and brain cartography
One of the most specific but also challenging properties of the brain is its topographic
organization into distinct modules or cortical areas. In this paper, we first review the concept …
organization into distinct modules or cortical areas. In this paper, we first review the concept …
Patterns of coordinated cortical remodeling during adolescence and their associations with functional specialization and evolutionary expansion
During adolescence, the human cortex undergoes substantial remodeling to support a rapid
expansion of behavioral repertoire. Accurately quantifying these changes is a prerequisite …
expansion of behavioral repertoire. Accurately quantifying these changes is a prerequisite …
Genomic loci influence patterns of structural covariance in the human brain
Normal and pathologic neurobiological processes influence brain morphology in
coordinated ways that give rise to patterns of structural covariance (PSC) across brain …
coordinated ways that give rise to patterns of structural covariance (PSC) across brain …
White matter lesions: Spatial heterogeneity, links to risk factors, cognition, genetics, and atrophy
Objectives To investigate spatial heterogeneity of white matter lesions or hyperintensities
(WMH). Methods MRI scans of 1,836 participants (median age 52.2±13.16 years) …
(WMH). Methods MRI scans of 1,836 participants (median age 52.2±13.16 years) …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling and interpreting mesoscale network dynamics
Recent advances in brain imaging techniques, measurement approaches, and storage
capacities have provided an unprecedented supply of high temporal resolution neural data …
capacities have provided an unprecedented supply of high temporal resolution neural data …
Evidence for dissociable linkage of dimensions of psychopathology to brain structure in youths
Objective: High comorbidity among psychiatric disorders suggests that they may share
underlying neurobiological deficits. Abnormalities in cortical thickness and volume have …
underlying neurobiological deficits. Abnormalities in cortical thickness and volume have …
Multi-scale semi-supervised clustering of brain images: Deriving disease subtypes
Disease heterogeneity is a significant obstacle to understanding pathological processes and
delivering precision diagnostics and treatment. Clustering methods have gained popularity …
delivering precision diagnostics and treatment. Clustering methods have gained popularity …
Spatiotemporal cerebral blood flow dynamics underlies emergence of the limbic-sensorimotor-association cortical gradient in human infancy
Infant cerebral blood flow (CBF) delivers nutrients and oxygen to fulfill brain energy
consumption requirements for the fastest period of postnatal brain development across the …
consumption requirements for the fastest period of postnatal brain development across the …