World atlas of distribution of recent polycystina (Radiolaria)
D Boltovskoy, SA Kling, K Takahashi… - 2010 - notablesdelaciencia.conicet.gov.ar
This work is based on the compilation of currently accessible (published and unpublished)
data on Radiolaria (Polycystina) distributions from plankton and sediment trap samples, and …
data on Radiolaria (Polycystina) distributions from plankton and sediment trap samples, and …
The significance of giant Phaeodarians (Rhizaria) to biogenic silica export in the California Current Ecosystem
In marine ecosystems, many planktonic organisms precipitate biogenic silica (bSiO2) to
build silicified skeletons. Among them, giant siliceous rhizarians (> 500 μm), including …
build silicified skeletons. Among them, giant siliceous rhizarians (> 500 μm), including …
Middle to Upper Pleistocene polycystine radiolarians from Hole 902-C9001C, northwestern Pacific
A continuous 740-kyr Quaternary sedimentary sequence containing abundant siliceous
microfossils was recovered from Hole C9001C during the D/V Chikyu 2006 Mission off the …
microfossils was recovered from Hole C9001C during the D/V Chikyu 2006 Mission off the …
New northwest Pacific radiolarian data as a tool to estimate past sea surface and intermediate water temperatures
KM Matsuzaki, T Itaki - Paleoceanography, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
A new radiolarian data set for transfer function estimates of past sea surface temperature
(SST) and intermediate water temperature was developed in this study for the northwestern …
(SST) and intermediate water temperature was developed in this study for the northwestern …
Evolution of oceanography of the central Northwest Pacific over the past 10 million years with focus on late Miocene global cooling
KM Matsuzaki - Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Since the middle Miocene climatic transition, the Earth's climate has steadily cooled. The
late Miocene global cooling (LMGC) and the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) were …
late Miocene global cooling (LMGC) and the Northern Hemisphere Glaciation (NHG) were …
Environmental determinants of radiolarian assemblages in the western Pacific since the last deglaciation
Radiolarians are a very diverse microzooplanktonic group, often distributed in regionally
restricted assemblages and responding to specific environmental factors. These properties …
restricted assemblages and responding to specific environmental factors. These properties …
[HTML][HTML] Taxonomy and species diversity of Holocene pylonioid radiolarians from surface sediments of the northeastern Indian Ocean
L Zhang, N Suzuki - 2017 - palaeo-electronica.org
Pylonioid radiolarians show high species diversity in surface sediments of the northeastern
Indian Ocean. They can be applied as important oceanographic indices in tropical and …
Indian Ocean. They can be applied as important oceanographic indices in tropical and …
Pelagic and coastal diatom fluxes and the environmental changes in the northwestern North Pacific during December 1997–May 2000
J Onodera, K Takahashi, MC Honda - Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical …, 2005 - Elsevier
Three sediment trap moorings were deployed in the northwestern North Pacific (Station
KNOT: 44° N, 155° E; Station 50N: 50° N, 165° E; Station 40N: 40° N, 165° E) during …
KNOT: 44° N, 155° E; Station 50N: 50° N, 165° E; Station 40N: 40° N, 165° E) during …
Phaeodaria: An important carrier of particulate organic carbon in the mesopelagic twilight zone of the North Pacific Ocean
Phaeodaria, which comprise one group of large, single‐celled eukaryotic zooplankton, have
been largely ignored by past marine biological studies because Phaeodaria and their …
been largely ignored by past marine biological studies because Phaeodaria and their …
Siliceous microfossil assemblages in the southern Emperor Seamount Chain sediments and their biogeographical and paleoceanographical implications
LN Vasilenko, IB Tsoy, TN Dautova - Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical …, 2024 - Elsevier
The taxonomic composition and abundance of siliceous microfossils in sediments is a
valuable source of information about environmental changes at the sea surface today and in …
valuable source of information about environmental changes at the sea surface today and in …